XLD cible 2 appels : « le 14 avril du Sec. to Cab. à Sherry Singh » et « le 15 à 10h18 du PM au CEO de MT »

En marge de la Private Notice Question d’hier, le leader de l’opposition, Xavier-Luc Duval, avait préparé un barrage d’interpellations supplémentaires pour faire la démonstration que le Premier ministre, Pravind Jugnauth, avait supposément induit le Parlement en erreur dans sa réponse liminaire. Mais le leader de l’opposition a été coupé court par l’interdiction imposée par le Speaker, Sooroojdev Phokeer, dès les premiers mots.

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Ci-dessous, outre le libellé de la Substantive Question, l’essentiel des supplémentaires, qui ne feront pas partie du Hansard de la séance d’hier –

To the Prime Minister:

Will the Prime Minister state whether he, the Secretary to Cabinet or anyone acting on behalf of Government has had any discussions or agreement with any foreign party and / or local government operator in connection with the installation or use of equipment to enable sniffing, interception, monitoring or recording of internet traffic to and from Mauritius and /or countries in the region.

Les supplémentaires

1.Did Mr N. Ballah, Chairman of MT, Secretary to the Cabinet and Head of the Civil Service call Mr Sherry Singh, then CEO of MT on Thursday 14th April 2022, with regard to the installation of spyware?

2.Did you as PM call Mr Sherry Singh, then CEO of MT on Friday 15th April at exactly 10.18 am, with regard to installation of spyware on the South Africa Far East cable, which has a landing station near Bel Ombre, on behalf of a foreign party?

3.Was the purpose of the calls to Mr SS, attempts to convince him to allow a third party country access to MT premises to do a survey in view of future installation of IT equipment for intercepting internet traffic on SAFE cable?

4.Is PM aware of the population’s Constitutional Right to Privacy?

5.Have there been any representations from foreign embassies in Mauritius?

6.Have there been any representations from friendly neighbouring countries.

7.What would have been the effect on the offshore sector where many african and indian companies are present?

8.Have there been any attempt to install the spyware since the departure of SS?

9.What, according to him, are the real reasons for the resignation of SS?

10.Have there been any discussions with a foreign state. If so when, where and with whom?

11.Can the PM give a firm commitment that such illegal spyware will never be installed in Mauritius.

Toutefois, le dossier d’accusation de haute trahison contre le Premier ministre est loin d’être clos sur le plan politique…

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