We come from the womb


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We are many to still question and wonder about women’s movements, women empowerment, women’s choices, women’s lives, women’s bodies and so much more.

I could rattle for hours about why and how shunning half of the world’s population is utter foolishness. I could speak of global figures about violence, trafficking, wars, mutilation. I could bring forth the little history that I have learned, heard and witnessed.

Above and beyond the facts, we have little if not no understanding of what it means and what it implies to come onto earth and to be born as humans. It means that we came from the womb and those yet to come, will come from the womb.

We all came from women. We gestated, we were held, nourished, guarded inside the womb within women’s body.

What happens in the womb and its peripheral environment has a direct impact on our development, on our nervous system and on our life out of the womb. What happens outside the womb and the body impacts the womb. We are living and breathing in interconnectedness. What is embedded and imprinted in the womb and its peripheral environment has a direct impact on life gestating inside. The present is shaped inside the womb and the future is wired through what was initially seeded inside the womb.

Through the trauma-informed lenses, we are learning how our DNA is marked each time something significant happened and these markers are carried across generations and they impact on how we grow, connect, protect and relate as humans.

We are not speaking merely of physical development but brain development and the nervous system wiring and tuning. We are by default biologically wired to connect, however, trauma switches the protect mode on.

When women are ongoingly subjected to danger, fear and/or torture of all forms, their bodies, their wombs and their nervous systems become wired to seek, fight and/or protect from danger. These wiring are transferred to the next generations onward. Through systemic family constellation, epigenetics, neuroscience, we are slowly becoming present to how a foetus is symbiotically interlinked with the mother’s trauma.

At 5 months old when my mother was gestating in her mother’s womb, I was already in my mother’s body as one of 1-2 million eggs. What my grandmother experienced and lived through, my mother absorbed it and so did I.

Can you imagine the immensity of life’s interconnectedness?

Across generations elders have had a reminder for pregnant women, to “keep her happy”. The health of our future generation dwells within wombs.

Pause and gauge your life.

What challenges have you met with? What are your tendencies? Does connecting or protecting comes easily to you? Are you struggling or have you struggled with anxiety or depression or panic attacks or immune-system diseases?

The World’s health depends on the health of wombs. I am not negating nor lessening the role of men in the process of creation. Men come from wombs.

Where is safety for women in this world?

What does it mean to be safe?

Where do you experience safe?

How do you experience safe?

We all come from the womb unless until we start wondering about safe, safety and moving towards respecting the womb, all our laws of equality will remain fixes that will never reach human consciousness.

Through this movement of reverence of wombs, we will move in reverence of women, of boundaries, of safety, of life of all forms and of nature.

There is a call for a different quality of work, where we begin to walk the path of meeting everything that moves us to harm, to kill, to shun, to exclude wombs and women from our lives. There is a call to move towards safe and safety inside us and outside.

We all come from the womb. We will keep coming from the womb.

Bowing down to the lineage of wombs on this International Women Day

In honour and reverence of the lineage of wombs that have carried life across generations at a price.

Love from my heart to yours

Love from my womb to you

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