“Hey Tico, what are you up to?”
“Daydreaming as usual”. Tico, a young lad from a “site” in beautiful Mauritius, runs from dreams to dreams on his mind, mesmerized by the creative mechanism his brain weaves through some collective thoughts, designing an imaginary country with the talented skills of an architect.
From his crawling sessions up to the teen’s era, Tico’s ears were fed with the same musical tune, “twa to enn ti dimounn twa, to pena valer” which collided with the mindset Tico was shaping and forging, instantly flushing these away to mediocrity.
Naysayers would choke on their own words, failing at holding Tico’s identity hostage! The latter’s brain was plumped with knowledge, bathed in emotional intelligence, rendering Tico’s self-esteem a secure foundation he would firmly stand on without measuring his worth and value through society’s lens.
“Hey Tico! To bizin roul enn BMW pou gagn inpe linportans. Pa blie, bizin kas pou vinn enn gran dimounn”. Cheeky Tico would entertain some inner laughs at these delusional statements, mocking these oh so distorted conceptions, yet which keep most sheep and chickens locked up with heavy chains, passed on from generations to generations, creating an arena of blinded sheep baaeing along with fearful chickens cackling yet vibing together with sheer conviction that their pelage qualifies their identities for royalty. Nature or Nurture?
Our young lad struck back, tapping into bluntness, throwing his best shot with a soft and irrevocable eloquence; “to lidantite ek to valer, zot dan to leker. Si to pans kas ek feray kre to lidentite, pa blie, la rou tourne, zour to perdi zot, to lidantite dan kazot”.
Tico’s words rumbled, shaking the ground of an instant fuming volcano, triggering its lava to burst into explosions, aiming at lashing out at him for daring uttering seemingly disturbing words. The sheep baaed and the chickens cackled to their full potential, with anger imploding at such an offensive statement.
Tico sat back and relaxed, ironically marveling, with a grin, at their cowardice and hypocrisy towards the usual complaints they lodge against their misleading leaders who they fear yet criticize for the very same attitude they, themselves, display, daily, in different areas of life, oblivious to the speck of sawdust in their own eyes. Ain’t it true that feeble knees do not fancy truth?
“À la queue leu leu, à la queue leu leu, nous, on s’éclate à la queue leu leu”. From rapid drama evaporations to recovering from some passionate and energy sucking keyboard warriors’ activities, the sheep and chickens revert to partying together, enjoying a line dance within the same enclosure, till encountering a new sequence of a same old pattern.
Tico had grasped the trick to liberation. Plucking rotten fruits from the top of a firmly rooted tree is handy but temporary while uprooting the bearer of these unhealthy harvests to revitalizing the soil for a new seed implant would peel back complicated layers, recouping stability and leveling up to decency.
An ideology which does not compute with the sheep’s and chickens’ brains who complain and remain. They love being fed and led without facing their inner selves along with their respective responsibilities, preferring to air their frustration with their tongues in constant motion yet fearing retribution.
Tico fathomed out what the fear-based mechanism entails and in lieu of messing with the fight or flight response against the well-established kingdom, he focuses on navigating emotional intelligence and sharing its game-changing scopes through educative transmissions about human values, embodying respect, fostering care, mustering courage, conquering resiliency all the while honoring academic competency.
Tico outsmarts, creating leaders at heart, catapulting the swings with a second wind. Hail!