State House – “Nas Daily” Video Film Trap : LALIT calls on the President to set up an internal inquiry 

LALIT respectfully calls on the new President of the Republic, Mr. Dharam Gokhool, to conduct an internal investigation to find out how it was that he was trapped by the Israeli conman Nas Daily and his girlfriend into making two grotesque video clips at Le Réduit, one clip with each of them, clips that are clearly designed to normalize relations with Israel at the very moment that it is important to isolate Israel. Israel is committing genocide. We call on the President to make his findings public.

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In the past, Labour Governments have shown integrity in suspending relations with Israel in response to its aggression against the Palestinians. In 1976, Sir Seewoosagur suspended diplomatic relations, and again in 2009, Dr. Navin Ramgoolam did the same thing. The President now falling into such a dangerous “pyez” was, in fact, much worse than merely “grotesque”. The President clearly fell into the trap set for him in a particular context: the Israeli State is committing genocide against the people of Palestine, in particular Gaza.

The Mauritian State that he is President of is called upon once again to isolate Israel. This time the call is formal. It is part of the ICJ’s “Preliminary Measures” of 2024 to be followed by all states signatory to the UN Treaty for the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. Mauritius is a signatory. Last year in June, the now Prime Minister, now Deputy Prime Minister and the now Minister of Tourism were amongst those who called formally upon the previous Government to join the South African case against Israel for genocide. This is clearly their expressed intention. The President needs to take note.

So, it was truly shocking to watch the flippant nature of the clip with two Israeli propagandists inviting “everyone” to retire to Mauritius, just come and settle or visit here, as you please. This kind of complicity with a genocidal state, on the part of the new President, risks emboldening the Israeli State in a historic moment when it is committing a “plausible” genocide according to the ICJ, itself, and is, in fact, committing “genocide” not just according to us in LALIT, but according to many UN Reports as well as reports by international human rights organizations. We must also bear in mind that the State of Mauritius had already joined the ICJ case against the State of Israel for its illegal occupation of Palestine, a case Mauritius helped win.

The ICJ, the world’s top Court, last year found Israel to be unlawfully occupying Palestine. Mauritius has a reputation for having supported the Palestinians over the decades. So, when the President shares a two-minute video clip with someone who says, “I love the (sic) army” and he is Israeli, it means he loves the Israeli army. So, the President is ethically bound to emit a public statement about how he was trapped into this, after his inquiry into how on earth this happened and, in addition, distancing himself from “love” of the Israeli army.

The Israeli Prime Minister and former Minister of Defense have international warrants for crimes against humanity and war crimes against them. If they set foot in Mauritius, they will have to be arrested. Any active soldier who comes here for any reason, despite what the President says, risks arrest for these crimes.

We recognize that, in the La Sentinelle “Decryptage” program of 19 January, the President made what may be an apology of sorts. This is a good beginning. However, the questions he was asked by the journalists and the answers given were far too vague and far too weak, compared with the damage done to Mauritius’ reputation. In any case, the “apology”, gave no indication of who lured the President into the trap, or how they did it. We have seen, for the record, a photograph circulating on WhatsApp of top advisor to Deputy Prime Minister Paul Bérenger, Daniella Bastien, standing alongside the notorious “influencer” Nas Daily, her arm around him, at Lé Reduit. We cannot interpret the photograph or attest to its authenticity.

The public needs to know how it came to pass that the Israeli propaganda machinery could so easily penetrate into Le Réduit at so sensitive a historic moment for the people of Palestine. All the other branches of Government need to be made aware of at least one type of “modus operandi” of those who work for the Israeli machinery. This way others in the State, and in the country, can be prepared to avoid falling into such a trap.

Perhaps background knowledge is important. Israel’s policy is to use performing artists as part of their military strategy. The Israeli Ministry of Hasbara (Propaganda), organizes it. For example, artists receiving State support are contractually bound “to promote the policy interests of the State of Israel via culture and art, including contributing to creating a positive image for Israel”, which Nas Daily does again and again. At the same time, they are contractually bound never to present themselves as an “emissary” of the State of Israel. This makes it a double-bind.*

It is important to note that, to our knowledge, this is the fourth time that, at key moments of Israeli military aggression like the bombing of Gaza, Zionist performing artists suddenly appear in Mauritius. Jean-Mée Desveaux pointed out in the press that Enrico Macias was due to perform in the middle of Israel’s brutal “Operation Cast Lead” in 2009 and had to cancel because the then Mauritian Labour Government took that brave stand against Israel’s aggression. Then in November 2023, the press pointed out that another Zionist musician Matisyahu’s song was due to be sung during Israel’s genocide and that this may have triggered the serious incident at the Citadel concert in November 2023. The Mystik Festival then had to be banned by the new Government because of the organizers having invited two Israeli Zionist music groups, due to perform on 7 December 2024. So, there is a pattern.

LALIT, therefore, calls respectfully on the President to set up an internal inquiry, get to the bottom of how this trap succeeded, and then to inform the public. If necessary, the President can then consider offering a clear apology for his lack of experience in his new role allowing him to fall for the trap, whoever set it up.

LALIT, 153 Main Road, GRNW, Port Louis

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