Open letter to the president of the republic of Mauritius

Covid – What about the policy of Mauritian insurance companies on premiums?

17th of May 2022

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Protégeons les enfants de demain

To the President of the Republic of Mauritius

Prithvirajsing Roopun

State House

Le Réduit

Your Excellency,

As a group of parents and citizens of our beloved country, we are addressing you this letter with great concern for the future of our children and other generations.

It is no wonder that a great paradigm shift is taking place in our society and in the world. The world has been at war with a virus for two years. One war among many, the Russia-Ukraine conflict is now attracting attention and throwing the World Economy into an even more catastrophic situation. But another more insidious war is being waged on the battlefield of human consciousness bearing a more tyrannical, more devastating effect. A war dictated by a conglomeration of multinationals from various sectors. The most critical ones are media groups, pharmaceutical lobbies and Big Tech, under the umbrella of the World Economic Forum propelling the agenda for a permanent control of our society. This is a serious situation as a world devoid of meaning and moral values is slowly emerging while our own cultural identity is at threat. The recent uprising events in Mauritius have clearly shown that we are not left out.

Even if it does not seem directly linked to recent events, the subject of vaccination remains even more glaring. Additionally, we have concluded that the probability is too high of the motivation to use guesswork to encapsulate and drive our population towards a direction they absolutely do not wish to take; that of servitude to Communism!

Let us explain our position and why we do not adhere to this new world unfolding in front of us!

Alteration of DNA

Recently, a Swedish study confirmed this risk of « reverse transcription » of the main component of gene vaccines into the human genome. mRNAs transformed into DNA or vaccine DNAs are likely to integrate into our genetic material with risks of cancers, autoimmune diseases and transmission to offspring. This study explains that the alteration of DNA is irreversible.

What are the contract terms between the government and the pharmaceutical companies regarding intellectual property rights? Ask the Prime Minister to reveal publicly the contract for the sake of transparency.

Secondly, it has come to our attention that foreign insurance companies actually state that they only pay premiums to beneficiaries after one year. Generally included in the event of death on the insurance policy, the death of a person who has undergone, done or participated in medical experimentation may be assimilated to suicide. Their beneficiaries are thus no longer subject to the payment of their premiums.

We have questioned some Mauritian insurance companies, but it seems that they prefer to keep the mystery on this issue. Why is that? Is there no MP who finds a say in this situation?

Thirdly, the virus has a 99.9% survival rate, all the way. In the same vein, Omicron has proven to be the variant that immunised the planet. On the other hand, whether a person is vaccinated or not doesn’t prevent one from being infected nor from infecting others. Our own situation proved it as even if many Mauritians got the jab, many contracted the disease at times shortly after their vaccination. There is nothing fallacious in this fact as this was experienced and witnessed by all of us. This pertains to being observant and realistic. Despite this, it appears the Mauritian government persists in coercing people to get vaccinated, sometimes at the cost of their lives.

We may deduce that being the potential reason which killed two of our youngsters, Mevine and Jibraan, for their death are closely related to their Pfizer intake.  So, as much as the authorities want to keep opacity on these matters, as soon as they occur, they cannot have such a carte blanche to do as they like. We must also add that to determine the link between the vaccine and the side-effects, a series of tests must be performed as well as a proper and time-consuming recording of the symptoms and other information. This is an important aspect not to be neglected since the vaccines are still under trial until 2023. Which brings up the question: is there a consistent pharmacovigilance performed? Nor can we ignore the severe vaccine side-effects and deaths of other children around the world.

Finally, there is inconsistency and incoherence of the consent form and the vaccination card which are both aberrations. The first, as it is an indecency to bring forward an experimental medication and to leave the subject without a way to resort to any lawsuit in case of injury or death as neither the state nor the vaccine producers are held responsible. The second one is a violent attempt to erase a person’s rights to privacy, and mostly of his or her medical status. The vaccination card is clearly a tool for segregation and discrimination as it is creating different categories of citizens and preventing people from accessing services which are human rights.

Global Pandemic Treaty…

We understand that our country cannot cut its links with the rest of the world. Sadly, our government is bogged down with pharmaceutical companies which have been convicted on multiple occasions for corruption and fraud against politicians and government regimes larger than Mauritius. But, how can Mauritius aspire to regain its total sovereignty on its outer islands, while bowing in front of international consortiums who are pushing their agenda to make WHO country-members sign the Global Pandemic Treaty? This treaty is supposed to give the WHO total power on declaring and dictating policy for future pandemics and maladies.

We have seen how disappointing the so-called efficacy of vaccines has been. Can we understand the obstinacy of having a blind and non-measured vaccination denounced by many scientists? Not to mention the numerous and dubious donations. How many orders for these gene therapy injections (Pfizer and Moderna), have been placed to date? Is it not high time to set up a commission of inquiry to elucidate the whole question of the Covid pandemic and its ramifications? The Pfizer documents ( released at the beginning of each month by the American court since April 2022 should be a gateway to initiate this inquiry. It is now a question of life and death especially for the future generation.

Department of Clinical Sciences, Study from Lund University, Sweden

Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency Documents

Yours’ Faithfully,

PLED Members

(Protégeons les enfants de demain)



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