(Windsor, ON, Canada)
Muhammad (PBUH), the Prophet of Islam, was born in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, in 570 A. D. His father died before he was born while his mother passed away when he was still a toddler. He was brought up by his grand-father Abdul Mutallib amongst others. Muhammad (PBUH), as a child growing up, impressed by his austere character, behaviour and demeanour. People loved and admired him and it was no surprise that before long, he was given the title “al–Ameen” (the Trustworthy One). In fact, he was exemplary in his relations with people whether as a young boy growing up or as a young man. Indeed, the Holy Qur’an calls upon all his followers to look closely at his life’s example and they will find in him “a perfect exemplar” to mould their own lives. Indeed, Muhammad (PBUH) has been a perfect role model for all Muslims to emulate and follow. In fact, the Holy Quran says in this regard:
“Indeed, in the Messenger of Allah you have an excellent example to follow for him who hopes in Allah and the Last Day and remembers Allah much.” (Qur’an 33:21)

And even to-day, to all his followers, he remains the epitome of goodness and a perfect model to imitate and follow. Till to-day, no Muslim will deliberately ever mention his name without respectfully adding “sallal la hu alai hey wa sallam (SAW)” or (peace be upon him)! (PBUH).
By the time, Muhammad (PBUH) was in his twenties, he got himself a job in a caravan and thus got experience as a merchant and trader until one of his uncles got him hired by a rich lady named Khatijah (R.A.)[may God be pleased with her] who was so impressed with his righteousness of character and his trustworthiness that she took the initiative to propose marriage to Muhammad (PBUH) who was fifteen years younger that she was. In fact, Muhammad (PBUH) was then twenty-five while Khatijah (R.A.) was forty years old. Yet Muhammad (PBUH) accepted her proposal and married her. And both would spend the happiest days of their lives together. Khatijah (R.A.) would bear him several children. The boys died in their infancy. The girls survived and the most well-known of them was Fatima, who would later be married to the Prophet’s cousin Ali, who became the fourth Caliph of Islam. Although Muhammad (PBUH) would re-marry several times for different reasons after her demise, he never took another wife while Khatijah (R.A.) was still alive.

It was a known habit of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) while living in Mecca, to retire to a cave in Mount Jabal–Nur or Mount al-Hira to spend time by himself and meditate on life and its vicissitudes. One day, while he was in deep meditation, a “Vision” suddenly appeared to him inside the cave and ordered him to:
–“What shall I read?” Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is reported to have asked in bewilderment. The ‘Vision” asked him again.
“Read! or Proclaim! in the name of thy Lord and Cherisher,
Who created!
Created man, out of a (mere) clot of congealed blood:
Proclaim! And thy Lord is Most Bountiful,
He Who taught (the use of) the pen,
Taught man that which he knew not.
— Quran, chapter 96 (Al-Alaq), verse 1-5
The “Vision” was none other than Angel Gabriel, who would inform Muhammad (PBUH) that Al-Mighty God (Allah) “had chosen him to be His final Prophet and Messenger!”
Muhammad (PBUH) was badly shaken by the experience, and he immediately left the cave and ran home to his wife Khatijah (R.A.), who found him deeply disturbed. Katijah (R.A.) assured him that the “Vision” was no evil vision and comforted him and re-assured him accordingly. Indeed, the command he had heard in the cave would be part of surah 96 “Iqra… Read!” of what would be the holy book of Islam: The Holy Qur’an, which will be the foundation of the religion that Muhammad (PBUH) was ordered by God to preach to Mankind, which was to be Islam. Muhammad (PBUH) would receive such revelations from God Almighty piece-meal during a period of twenty-three years and Muslims strongly believe that the Quran was divinely inspired and is the ‘Word of God’.
Later, when Muhammad (PBUH) appeared in Mecca and proclaimed that he had been chosen by God “to be His last Messenger and Prophet” to mankind, less than a handful of Meccans believed him. First among them were his wife Khatijah (R.A.), his young nephew Ali ibn Talib and Abu Bakr. But Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) would never be ever deterred from his mission. As history testifies, the religion of Islam – as preached by Muhammad (PBUH) would continue to grow and, in the ensuing years, become the second largest faith of mankind on earth. To-day, one in every six persons in the world is a Muslim. The strength and power of Islam on its followers is phenomenal. Indeed, Islam has been of late the fastest growing religion in the world – the more so in Europe and in the Americas. And Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), who left no male heir to carry his name, yet there are, in the world to-day, more boys named “Muhammad” than by any other name.
Moses was sent to the Jews to call upon them to worship the one and only God (Allah – Yahweh!) – the God of Abraham (PBUH); Prophet Jesus (PBUH), who was a Jew, came to the world “to uphold the laws of Moses” from which the Jews had deviated, while Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was sent to all mankind as « a mercy from God » to reaffirm the belief in and the worship of the one and only God (Allah) – the God of Abraham (PBUH), Moses (PBUH), Jesus (PBUH) and the other prophets. In fact, Muhammad (PBUH)’s message was universal and intended for all humanity.
Muhammad (PBUH) was the seal of prophethood. He is, indeed, considered by the muslims as the last and final Messenger and Prophet of God (Allah). His life story is well recorded. As a matter of fact, of all the prophets, his is the one whose life story has been recorded in as much details unlike any other. And we owe that to Bibi Ayesha (R.A.), who was Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)’s youngest wife, known in history as “the mother of believers”. She lived long after the demise of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) at sixty-three years of age. Bibi Ayesha (R.A.) has provided us with details of the Prophet’s life, his habits, his customs, his routines, his sayings as well as many personal details and anecdotes of his life. Indeed, Bibi Ayesha (R.A.) was as important a figure in the life of the Prophet of Islam as were his many sahabas (companions). As a matter of fact, for many of the hadiths (sayings) and sunn’at or seerah (ways of the Prophet), we owe them to Bibi Ayesha (R.A.).

Prophet Muhammad(PBUH)’s apostolic mission lasted twenty-three years. He passed away in 632 A.D. and was buried in Medina, the second holiest city after Mecca, in Islam. His teachings based on the Holy Qur’an and his own Sunn’at/Hadiths or traditions, have literally helped transform world civilization as we know it. The influence Islam and the personality of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), coupled with the divine Message he brought to mankind through the Holy Qur’an, would have such an impact on humanity that it would literally help to transform the world ushering in a ‘revolution’ in the study of the sciences, mathematics and philosophies that would impact humanity in no small measure. Indeed, some critics even list him at the top of the most influential persons in history.
It is little wonder then that the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), after more than fourteen hundred years, continue to be a dominating force in the lives of more than a billion people across the globe. The love and affection and the reverence Muslims profess for their beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has remained ever high and undiminished throughout the centuries and in the heart of millions of people around the world irrespective of their ethnicity, cultural and national affinities. Indeed, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) remains an unparalleled icon of humanity like no other.