Love the Way You Lie

This hip hop ballad by Eminem featuring Rihanna was released in 2010 and details the abusive relationship between a man and a woman. The woman is unable to leave, trapped into the cycle of highs and lows, barely clutching at straws as her sanity is eroded. Lies become truths and the abuser is venerated. It is a love-hate relationship that consumes the woman gradually. 

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If this type of relationship seems somewhat familiar, excluding the domestic violence sphere, then it is pretty accurate to claim that you are experiencing the democratic rule system in Dodoland, the nation where truths are distorted and lies become sweetened truths. What is real, what is unreal; it is increasingly challenging to distinguish between the two. 

While an ideal democratic system is supposed to guarantee that the values of truth, justice, equality, fairness and freedom are upheld, Dodoland swears by a different set of rules altogether. It seems that getting away with murder (both literally and figuratively) is the order of the day. Lies are worshipped and passed off as the gospel truth. The passivity of most Dodolanders when faced with these lies is nothing short of staggering. Decades of mental conditioning, reinforced by intimidation have borne their fruits. Nothing is shocking anymore. Lies are fed though the national propaganda box, bootlicking media channels and papers. This process ensures that some Dodolanders are kept silent, eagerly sipping in the nectar of falsehoods that are plastered to their psyche. 

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Murder is Suicide 

While avid viewers of crime series or documentaries are aware that murders are very often camouflaged into suicides, it has somehow never hit home to such an extent in Dodoland. A political agent of the party in power has been ruthlessly killed and burnt. And the initial conclusions? It was nothing but a suicide. That confusion had been reached and communicated to the victim’s widow, prior to any autopsy or toxicology tests being carried out. 

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Two years have now elapsed and the murderer/s are still at large. There has been no real will to catch the perpetrator/s and one can only wonder how many crimes are brushed under the carpet, just because of the higher powers at play which pull the strings. Of course, sycophants and notorious last-minute turncoats are quick to jump to the defence of those who might be responsible for that heinous crime, despite the salient fact that the victim was formerly one of their own. If it could happen to one of their own kind, it could happen to them as well. But that reasoning faculty is sadly lacking among the keen glorifiers of the powers at play. They believe that they are the receptacles of immunity. The question is till when? 

Wild Conspiracies 

Naturally, the unrivalled lies have led to the wildest conspiracy theories spiralling out of control in an attempt to splash the gatekeepers responsible for upholding the principles of a real democracy. The Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (ODPP) in Dodoland has been unceremoniously given the wrong end of the gavel by the enthusiastic doormats. One of the last pillars of law and order in our crumbling democracy, the ODPP has wasted no time in vehemently brushing aside the slanders associated with its office about its so-called role in making public the findings of the magistrate. The very magistrate who has been entrusted with the responsibility of enlightening the population about the circumstances into which the political agent mentioned above has been killed; the conclusions led to the obvious; it was never a suicide to start with. Without equivocation, it was a murder, with powerful motives behind. 

The press which has leaked the findings of the magistrate has also been scathed by the fawners. Instead of focusing their energy on finding those responsible for the crime once for all, there is instead a witch-hunt into WHO leaked those findings, which have so far not been disputed by the magistrate. Again, priorities are muddled as the perpetrator/s and their masters systemically try to mislead the few critically-apprised individuals into a wild goose chase.  The genuine wardens of democracy, despite numerous intimidation attempts, must remain determined to go to the end of this merciless battle to expose the truth. 

Selective Amnesia  

Of course, selective amnesia is a weapon of choice favoured by the lying masterminds who wish to push forward the agendas of their political masters. The findings of the magistrate which have been leaked by a particular press group have been tagged as being absolute nonsense, as they bear no seals nor signatures. Ironically, in the past, a political ruler has publicly announced that a minister working in his government, was innocent of all misgivings. And that was even before any official enquiry has been undertaken. That minister has since stepped down from his role but is still earning big bucks by still being a member of parliament. 

Another minister in his cabinet has been forced to step down (again, not as parliamentarian though), based on the findings of a random piece of paper potentially incriminating him. That same former minister has previously claimed the innocence of a now disgraced Angolan banker by the mere fact of looking into his eyes. 

Laughable? Sadly, that is now the benchmark of truth in Dodoland. 

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