How far is Online Teaching effective?


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It is an undeniable fact that constant changes take place in the field of education year in, year out. From the ‘chalk and talk’ method to the ‘jug mug’ method much water has flowed under the bridge. In the olden days, no doubt the teacher was at the centre of learning. The ‘jug mug’ strategy was based on knowledge from the jug [teacher] to be poured into the mug [learner]. But in the long run, new theories were implemented in the field of education and in this respect the child, from passive learner, happened to be placed at the centre of learning. Nowadays, the needs of the learners are given due consideration, better known as the child-centred education.

Effective teaching is about helping students learn, so that they become self-directed lifelong learners. In order to do this, it is essential that teachers have sound knowledge of how students develop and learn. According to Shell, « learning is an enduring change in behaviour, or in the capacity to behave in a given fashion, which results from practice or other forms of experience ».

Face-to-face teaching and learning

Teaching can be defined as engagement with learners to enable their understanding and application of knowledge, concept, and processes. A teacher requires not only knowledge of subject matter but knowledge of how to transform them into active learners. In face-to-face learning, not only transmitting of knowledge by the teacher is important but his approach, behaviour, and way of teaching are paramount. A good teacher always strives to keep his students active, participative and lively. Unlike online teaching, he motivates learners to react and interact. Obviously, an appropriate atmosphere conducive to learning is created. The whole process of learning takes place together with the formative and summative assessment. It is important for teachers to encourage students to take active part in the teaching and learning process. Unfortunately, it is noted that the majority of students feel shy to interact with the teachers. In such circumstances the Role-Play strategy which involves the learners to act in different ways is primordial to get rid of timidity. Moreover, such students need to become autonomous, independent and self-regulated. Anyway, the face-to-face teaching and learning is highly advantageous. Teachers rest assured that learning is taking place and he is able to adapt to individual differences and needs.

Online teaching and learning

Considering the grim situation in which the country is entangled in connection with Covid-19, there is no other way than to apply online teaching. It is the onus of the students to show interest in all the lessons being taught online. An absolute trust should be built between the teacher and the learners in order to have full participation of the latter to follow the lessons. No doubt the teacher is a role model and it depends on his outstanding personality to attract learners to follow his class online. In the absence of physical contact, the learners can learn at their own pace by escaping the vigilance of the teacher. It is why a well-prepared lesson can be a means to motivate learners to fully take part in the programmes. What is important in teaching is participation and interaction. As usual, extrovert students will be always in the limelight by interacting with the teacher while the introvert ones will be just passive learners. There are many facilities to teach, and to assess learning by the use of new technology. In the same context, one of the advantages of broadcast lessons on TV is to take on board some parents, who can assist their wards during the lesson.

Hundreds of students have already contracted the Coronavirus. In the face of such a critical situation, there is no other alternative than to have recourse to online teaching and learning. The more the situation lingers the more effective should become online teaching and learning. As the saying goes « something is better than nothing ».

Reference: « Beginning teaching and Beyond », by Kevin n Barry and Len King 

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