[It was as early as in the 1890s, long before the Partition (1947), that cinema was introduced in India. Today, the Indian cinema has become widely popular not only throughout the peninsula and in the neighbouring countries but also across the world, especially in the over 100 countries where live millions of the people of Indian origin (PIOs) and the non-resident Indians (NRIs). Moreover, a great many other people, of all religions and cultures, in almost all the world’s countries like watching the Indian cinema that, thanks to translations and subtitles in various languages, besides being now seen at home, can be appreciated without any difficulty. The Indian cinema helps evoke the ancient, great India’s culture, thus promoting Indianness.]
Brief History
In July 1896, after their first public show in Paris on 25 December 1895 of movies devised by two Frenchmen, Louis Lumière (1864-1948) and his brother Auguste, pioneers in cinematography, the cinema went to Bombay (Mumbai). The Lumière brothers’six films, each of one-hour duration, were projected at Watson Hotel, in present Mumbai. Soon after, the cinema reached Calcutta (Kolkata) and Madras (Chennai).
CULTURE: Indian cinema and indianness (1)
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