10th International Day of Yoga – The timeless knowledge that holds relevance today

Dr Kadambini Acharya

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Director IGCIC

The knowledge behind the basics of yoga is YAMA (Codes) comprising Ahimsa-Non-violence, Satya-Truthfulness, Aastheya-Non stealing, Brahmacharya-Celibacy/Spiritual endeavours and Aparigraha-Non accumulation of wealth.

And NIYAMA (Conducts) comprising of Shaucha-cleanliness, Santosha-contentment, Tapah-Penance, Swadhyaya-Self Studies and Iswara Pranidhana-Surrender to God are the most preliminary steps to be essentially followed by everyone of the society to live with Health, Happiness and Harmony. Without adhering to these, the universal aim and objectives (Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha) of the individuals cannot be achieved.

At the same time, we looked at Yoga as a tool with Asana, Pranayama, Dhyana & samadhi etc with meticulous preparation with the critical aspect of mind to Focus. If mind is not focused or concentrated on a given subject, the whole process of Yoga sadhana weakens itself.

Yoga, on the other hand, is a profound spiritual and physical discipline that has been practiced for thousands of years. It offers a path to inner peace, holistic well-being and self-realization. Yoga is not merely a set of physical postures; it is a way of life that encompasses mental, emotional and spiritual growth.

The practice of yoga involves various techniques such as asanas (Postures), Pranayama (balancing the breath), Meditation, Mudras, Bandhas, kriyas and continuous growth towards ultimate reality of infinite Bliss, Knowledge, power, freedom and Mindfulness. It has gained immense popularity worldwide for its ability to reduce stress, improve mental clarity, prevent diseases and promote positive health. Yoga promotes a harmonious relationship between the individual and the universe, connecting the individual power with the supreme.

Another way yoga helps with DNA repair by improving our overall health. Yoga practices often involve deep, mindful breathing techniques which can potentially enhance the supply of oxygen to the body. Several studies found that regular yoga practice resulted in increased lung function and improve oxygen saturation levels in an individual. Also, it has been shown to reduce the levels of stress hormones such as cortisol and activate the parasympathetic nervous system which promotes relaxation and controls stress by regular practice of Yoga.

The observance of 10th edition of International day of Yoga, serves as a reminder that yoga is for everyone regardless of age, gender, socio-economic status, region and religion. This day symbolises a celebration of diversity and inclusivity, bringing together individuals from different walks of life to engage in the shared experience of Yoga.

Also, the International Day of Yoga serves as the process of preserving and advancing traditional wisdom and practices including the timeless knowledge that holds relevance today just as it did in ancient times.

The International Day of Yoga has been celebrated across the world annually on June 21st since 2015. Our Honourable prime minister Sri Narendra Modi ji, in his UN address in 2014, had suggested the date of June 21, as it is the longest day of the year in the Northen Hemisphere and shares a special significance in many parts of the world.

The IDY Logo Showcases a pair of hands folded in a manner that symbolises the practice of Yoga, emphasizing the concept of unity between individual consciousness and the universal consciousness.

The IDY is not only the day for engaging in physical movements, but also the celebration of complete well-being and togetherness. It reminds us of the profound impact that yoga can have on our lives, nurturing health, joy and unity within ourselves and our global community. Let us spread this message of peace and unity of yoga to each and every corner of the globe.




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l'édition du jour