
Open Letter to the Leaders of Tomorrow

Saffiyah Edoo Dear Aspiring Leaders, I hope you are sitting up, observing, paying heed to what is happening and taking copious notes. By now, you must...

Metro Mauritius : Designing for humans

Are we building a new public transportation line? By all measures this is a big and complex undertaking and it’s interesting to see how others...

Arnaud Carpooran : « Va-t-on encore perpétuer l’échec en maths en continuant d’imposer l’anglais ? »

Un premier livre scientifique en créole mauricien, la mise en place progressive de cours généraux pour adultes ou encore pour les étrangers, puis celle...

Who’s behind the presidential saga ?

Who is trying to destabilize a properly elected government by having advised President Ameenah Gurib-Fakim to institute her own Commission of Inquiry? This exercise...

Capitalism’s priestly class are economists

Yanis Varoufakis, who served as Greece’s finance minister, makes a key distinction between a ‘market’ (a place for exchange or barter) and an ‘economy’...

Nouvel an Baha’i, le ‘Nawruz’

Bureau des Affaires extérieures de la Foi bahaïe En ce 21 mars, les Bahá’ís à Maurice et du monde entier célèbrent le Nawruz, le nouvel...

Glory to thee ! Motherland of mine | Qui a dit que l’exemple vient d’en haut?

“It is not in the storm nor in the strife that we feel benumbed and wish to be no more but in the after-silence...

From Trump’s Post-Truths to our very own Fakim’s Half-Truths

I remember being struck by Françoise Vergès’s comment that small insular islands such as Mauritius suffer from a certain ‘trauma of insignificance’. It is something...

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