

The Birth of Several Literary Magazines PAHLAD RAMSURRUN The main theme of the Hindi Magazines and periodicals until the 1960’s was socio-religious and politico-cultural, but the...

Reminiscences of the 10th World Hindi Conference

DR SUNYUKTA BHOWON-RAMSARAH, WORLD HINDI SECRETARIAT The 10th World Hindi Conference was held in Bhopal, India, from 10 to 12 September 2015. This year’s International Conference...

Albert Cohen, un voyageur en Humanité 

DAVINA ITTOO « Ils sont venus avec des glissements et des rires. Ils ont dit Otons les vieilles toiles et les poussières. Au matin je me suis...

(IN) Sécurité routière : Situer les responsabilités pour mieux avancer

157 morts en 2017, 106 déjà (à hier) pour 2018. À ce rythme-là, il y aura peut-être 180 familles endeuillées, qui ne seront certainement...

RAPPORT LAM SHANG LEEN : complètement superflu, ce comité interministériel

DIPLAL MAROAM Une des recommandations phares de la Commission d’enquête sur la drogue est le démantèlement de l’ADSU mais aussi de la Customs Anti-Narcotics Unit...

Imran Khan, the emerging charismatic leader of Pakistan

CASSAM TUPSY In the General Elections held on 25th July 2018 in Pakistan, the Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf of Imran Khan won one hundred and sixteen seats...

The Finance Bill or “Kicking The Can Down The Road” (II)

ARVIN BOOLELL Enforcement or Liability Mauritius completed a first mutual evaluation in 2008, under the Eastern and Southern African Anti-Money Laundering Group (ESAAMLG), a FATF regional...

The Finance Bill or “Kicking The Can Down The Road” (I)

Minister Sinatambou has a good sense of humour and believes that information is a privilege and not a right. Contrary to the Minister, everybody...

Our Ugly Truth

The much hyped report on drug trafficking has been made public for over a week now. While the yes-men in parliament and the zealous...

FOR ITS ECO-TOURISM POLICY : Mauritius should not encourage a proliferation of vehicles on its roads

PETER CHELLEN Founder and editor of ex-monthly Mauritius News London In Mauritius, the City Council of Port Louis insists that all those who wish to make their properties...

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