
Chagossians want to have their say in major decisions

SYLVIA EDOUARD Today and this whole week, Chagos will be in the limelight. What is happening at the International Court of Justice at The Hague,...

One thing, and another

Jeewan Ramlugun Conventions offer security and certainty; they also constrict and confine, placing a limit on what can be different- possibly with equal merit or even better. Rules guide with sureness and predictability; they...

Soutenir les Chagossiens et l’appel aux réalisateurs américains

KHAL TORABULLY Suite à l'appel publié dans la rubrique Forum du Mauricien vendredi dernier, il m'importe de partager une réflexion sur cette page tronquée de...

China in Mauritius: A Win-Win Scenario?

When the Mauritian and Chinese leaders meet at the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) on 3-4 September, it will be for the second time...

You should try to make Mauritius safe again…

Where is the Law and Order that was proudly promised by L’Alliance Lepep during its electoral campaign in 2014? Mr. the Prime Minister, with all...

Solemn appeal to eight American directors

PATRICK SINGAÏNY, writer and intellectual from Réunion & OLIVIER BANCOULT, Chagossian leader with: PASCAL BLANCHARD (French historian specializing in the French colonial empire), ANANDA...

Freymwurk Pu Analiz Dekolonizasyon

Kifer Gandhi pankor mor? Sel reaksyon Winston Churchill – selon Shashi Tharoor – se sa not la dan fayl bann memo kot ofisyel Angle ti pe...

Appel solennel à 8 réalisateurs américains

PATRICK SINGAÏNY, intellectuel réunionnais & OLIVIER BANCOULT, leader chagossien en compagnie de: PASCAL BLANCHARD (historien français de l’empire colonial français), ANANDA DEVI (écrivaine mauricienne), FRANÇOIS...

Istanbul revisited

Of all destinations I have ever visited so far, Turkey turns out to be the best of my best ones in spite of all...

« To fam Super » : non au boycott !

Si la musique locale n’existait pas, je l’aurais inventée. Dans une autre vie, j’étais chanteur. Je suis toujours en faveur des jeunes talents locaux,...

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