
Not a Lot of Business Done

SANJAY JAGATSINGH Since the moronic World Bank's Doing Business rankings were put on a pedestal by a couple of bean-counters and our taxation structure flattened...

Many teenagers …not ready for university life

FILTERED BY DR ZOOM According to the American College Health Association, 62 percent of undergrads reported feeling “overwhelming anxiety.” Compounding the problem, when teenagers and...

Madagascar : Lettre ouverte aux prétendants du second tour de la présidentielle

JEAN L’HOMME (avocat) Messieurs, D’origine mauricienne, demeurant à Paris depuis trente ans, j’ai conservé de Madagascar le souvenir de « la Grande Île » voisine, dont nous...

145TH ANNIVERSARY : Down Memory Lane of HEEN FOH…OH ! Happy Days

PHILIP LI CHING HUM The 145th Heen Foh anniversary is a milestone in the life of the Chinese community. A slice of our life is...

Uber Ban: Promoting Innovation & Change

To the world at large, Mauritius has long claimed to be Africa’s entrepôt - harking back to its maritime past. In more recent times,...


There are, as per science, several types/levels of depression. Some people have been diagnosed with depression and anxiety disorders while others are subject to...

Recensement, respect et partage : Le passé est révolu. L’avenir sera révolutionnaire, on ne sera pas !

On peut comprendre ceux et celles qui en ont assez des préjugés et des discriminations. Chazal disait qu’à Maurice on cultivait la canne et...

The Triumph of Persons with Disabilities through Proper Education Framework

Education is a key to ultimate success; access to this facility sharpens our skills, enhances our knowledge and shapes our personality. Mauritius affirmed itself...

La peur du retour de bâton …

The timing is suspicious, coming after a long period of spin weaved around the incumbent; a marathon of ribbon cutting outings with the simultaneous...

« Recensement ethnique » – De la « Boîte de Pandore » à la « camisole de force » : Au-delà du vocabulaire…

ETIENNE G. MARCEL Cette contribution tente de mettre à plat les images utilisées depuis le début des débats sur le recensement ethnique. D’abord, il faut...

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