
Noël, la promesse d’un Avenir possible

REYNOLDS MICHEL « La foi que j’aime le mieux, dit Dieu, c’est l’espérance », Charles Péguy « Je m’intéresse beaucoup à l’avenir, car c’est là que j’ai décidé de...

Is Aerobic Exercise the Key to Successful Aging?

FILTERED BY DR ZOOM Aerobic activities like jogging and interval training can make our cells biologically younger; weight training did not have the same effect....

Désirez-vous étudier au Japon? Tentez la bourse gouvernementale MEXT

MEXT (l'abréviation de « Monbukagakusho »), ministère de l’Education, de la Culture, des Sports, des Sciences et de la Technologie du Japon, offre des bourses à...


Non ! Il ne s’agit pas d’un titre de film « Béton » comme on le dit en créole mais de notre chère île. Elle est en...

The Temple of Democracy or Is It?

I am glad that our Parliament is a vestige of colonialism. I would have hated it if it were an academic tower. The people...


ENDY JAY Now that The Constitutional (Electoral Reform) (Amendment) Bill has not been put to the vote inasmuch as it was clear the required 52...

Jayen Cuttaree: the trade diplomat

Assad Bhuglah (Former Director of Trade Policy)  When Jayen Cuttaree was appointed Minister of Industry, Commerce & International Trade in 2000, he became so passionate...

« PETIT ÉLOGE DES FANTÔMES » | Women forced to face their past :Three gripping short stories

SURESH RAMPHUL « Petit éloge des fantômes » by Nathacha Appanah (Folio, Gallimard, 2016, 98 pages) is a collection of 7 short stories.  It’s not...

The Captivating Rabbit Hole

SAFFIYAH EDOO This is it. I had reached the last page of the novel I had currently been reading, and I already felt at a...

Sustainable development: the way forward or a mirage?

KARIM JAUFEERALLY Institute for Environmental Studies As the 21st century unfolds, people realise that something is amiss with our modern civilization and this in spite of...

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