
COMMISSION ÉDUCATION DU MMM — ‘Behind the purple curtain’

SISYPHE L’interview de Sheila Bunwaree du samedi 16 février est enrichissante à plus d’un titre. Si le puriste fronce les sourcils quand elle évoque d’éventuels...

‘Radix malorum est Cupiditas’: Greed is the root of evil

For centuries, the above statement has arrogantly stood the test of time, as covetousness has led to the most unimaginable dark tangled plots into...

AGALEGA — Dev Virahsawmy is right in ringing the alarm bell

KAIZER SOZÉ India is a land of extremes, very hot and very cold, very poor with a large number of billionaires and rough sleepers in...


JASON LILY   Li enn zistwar ki paret mari banal, Ena pou dir twa napa vinn fer bakanal Me li konsern bann exsantrik, Dimounn ki servi plis letan pou fer...

Later sek pe refiz dilo…

RAM MOHAMED THOMAS Pravind, Azordi, to’nn perdi enn sans ki ti ouver ek so lintelizans. Parski vint an apre seki finn pase dan nou zistwar li...

Perpétuer la mémoire du Dr Charles Yip Tong

KRISH PONNUSAMY, CSK J’ai connu le Dr Charles Yip Tong en 1967. Fraîchement nommé Clerical Officer au Chief Secretary’s Office qui devient par la suite...

Commemoration – 23 February 1936 : The Labour party is the brainchild of Maurice Curé

ANAND MOHEEPUTH  Let Dr Maurice Curé be remembered not only by his name given to a prestigious state college in Vacoas but also in history...

PLANIFICATION URBAINE ET CHANGEMENT CLIMATIQUE : Anou al popom dan Metro pou get inondasion…

Metro Express (ME) ou drains, se demandent beaucoup de Mauriciens. Road Decongestion Programme (RCP) sans système de drains adéquat, s’inquiètent d’autres. Ce n’est pas...

The Labour spirit, 83 years on

“He who,…does not stop, nor lie in wait for wealth, honors, or for a worldly state… who with a toward or untoward lot,…plays in the...

OPEN LETTER TO LEELA DEVI DOOKUN-LUCHOOMUN * : Providing regular counselling to students across the country

Dear Madam, As you are no doubt aware, one of the primary aims of education is to prepare an individual for life and to ‘produce’...

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