
Student Malpractices

Last week while walking in Port Louis I saw in a shop window one A-4 sized poster addressed to students of various universities in...

The Real Reason Politicians Want Dose of PR

Sanjay Jagatsingh It's not because they want more women in parliament. Legislation can be passed within our current first-past-the-post (FPTP) system to have female politicians...

The Leveller Attack

Laity The horrendous carnage that took place in the Christchurch mosques last week has left people reeling. As the funerals start getting underway, and people...


Emperor Akbar, or by his full name, Abdul-Fath Jalal-ud-din Akbar, or simply Akbar, the Great, as history remembers him, became ruler of India in...

A levels or the IB Diploma ?

FILTERED BY DR ZOOM Here are some tips that might help you decide: • Is your child is an all-rounder? If they enjoy a range of subjects...

Qu’en est-il de l’échiquier politique à quelques mois des élections ?

AVINAASH MUNOHUR C’est la nature même de notre système électoral qui fait qu’aucun parti politique ne peut prétendre à la majorité pour gouverner sans une...

LITERATURE : Some salient features of LE SARI VERT

SURESH RAMPHUL The story. In Ananda Devi’s LE SARI VERT (Gallimard, 2009, 215 pages), old Dr. Bissam Sobnath, bedridden, is dying. His daughter Kitty, 62,...

The Vishnu Namesake

Bhawna Atmaram Who would leave behind a heavenly abode of bliss for the sake of a few mortals? Vishnu! Who would bother himself mercilessly, reincarnating...

Suffisance, Humiliation et Humilité

PAULA LEW-FAI « La suffisance est l'apanage du sot, l'humilité est la vertu de celui qui mesure tout ce qui lui reste à apprendre et le...

LE TEXTILE EN EAU TROUBLE — Qu’en est-il du 2e miracle économique ?

DIPLAL MAROAM La fermeture de Palmar Ltée, la mise sous administration judiciaire de Future Textiles et les difficultés de Tex Washing, entre autres, ne font...

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