New Mauritius Hotels Ltd (NMH) maintient son élan de croissance au premier semestre (juillet – décembre ) de l’année financière 2025. Le chiffre d’affaires...
Stéphanie Jacquin
Manager de We-Recycle *
Avec la rentrée scolaire, l’ONG We-Recycle a repris activement la formation des éco-citoyens de demain. Un pas de plus...
Suresh Boodhoo was a nationally and internationally respected son of Mauritius, projecting an image of professionalism, earnestness and modesty. He excelled in...
Activities commemorating the 190th anniversary of the Abolition of Slavery in the Republic of Mauritius may have brought additional insights into the contested knowledge...
By Christina Chan-Meetoo & Sarah Chiumbu
The new Minister of Information Technology, Communication and Innovation recently announced that Government will go ahead with the Mobile...