Mauritius Telecom : clap de fin pour le CEO Sherry Singh

Avec le contrat du Chief Executive Officer (CEO) de Mauritius Telecom, Sherry Singh, arrivant à échéance et pressentant aucune possibilité de reconduction, le principal concerné a soumis sa lettre de démission ce matin au président du Board, le secrétaire au Cabinet et chef du service Civil, Nayen Kumar Ballah.

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Dans une lettre au personnel ce jeudi matin, Sherry Singh confirme sa démission. « I will unfortunately not be part of the next ride as I have submitted my resignation today. I am unable to continue without compromising my values and that is not an option for me. However, I want you to know that although I am leaving the company physically, I am not leaving you. One cannot leave those they have considered as family. I shall be by your side always », dit-il en dressant le bilan de ces sept dernières années passées à la tête de l’un des plus importants corps para-publlcs de Maurice.

« We are today financially strong, commercially the reference, the No 1 company in terms of Innovation and Brand reputation, the No 1 in terms of infrastructure, the No 1 in terms of a “Great Place to work” and Corporate Wellness, No 1 in terms of number of International Awards from the industry and a reference in terms of our MUGA Social projects. One of my most important missions was to get the group to diversify to protect our financial health from short to mid-term shocks », ajoute-t-il.

La démission de Sherry Singh, considéré comme étant un des Top Chefs de Lakwizinn du PMO, relance les conjectures autour de la nouvelle configuration de la garde politique rapprochée du Premier ministre, Pravind Jugnauth.

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