La Cheffe Juge « has not received any invitation from the Office of the President »

Le bureau de la Chief Justice a réagi à l’article de Week-End interrogeant l’absence de la Cheffe Juge à la State House lors des prestations de serment des membres du nouveau gouvernement. Le bureau de a Cheffe Juge affirme par le biais d’un communiqué n’avoir reçu aucune invitation de la part du bureau de la Présidence pour assister à ces événements.

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Citant l’article paru dans l’édition de Week-end de ce dimanche 1er décembre, le bureau de la Chief Justice répond comme tel : « The Office of the Chief Justice hereby places on record that it has not received any invitation from the Office of the President inviting the Honourable Chief Justice to attend the State House for the swearing-in ceremonies of The Honourable Prime Minister, ii. The Honourable Ministers and Junior Ministers, ill. The Honourable Attorney General. »

Le bureau de la Cheffe Juge assure que si une invitation lui avait été envoyée, « she would certainly have attended the above swearing-in ceremonies ».

Voici l’intégralité du communiqué du bureau de la Chief Justice :

The Office of the Chief Justice refers to the article published on the front page of the weekly newspaper "weekend" dated I December 2024 under the heading "L'énigme de l'absence de la cheffe juge à la State House!" and the article published on pages 4 and 5 of the same edition under the same heading. The Office of the Chief Justice also refers to the article published in the online version of the newspaper "le mauricien" of I December 2024 under the heading "Installation du nouveau GM de l'Alliance du Changement: l'énigme de l'absence de la cheffe juge à la State House!" The Office of the Chief Justice hereby places on record that it has not received any invitation from the Office of the President inviting the Honourable Chief Justice to attend the State House for the swearing-in ceremonies of The Honourable Prime Minister, ii. The Honourable Ministers and Junior Ministers, ill. The Honourable Attorney General. The Office of the Chief Justice assures everyone that, had the Honourable Chief Justice been invited, she would certainly have attended the above swearing-in ceremonies. 3 December 2024The Office of the Chief Justice refers to the article published on the front page of the weekly newspaper « weekend » dated I December 2024 under the heading « L’énigme de l’absence de la cheffe juge à la State House! » and the article published on pages 4 and 5 of the same edition under the same heading.

The Office of the Chief Justice also refers to the article published in the online version of the newspaper « le mauricien » of I December 2024 under the heading « Installation du nouveau GM de l’Alliance du Changement: l’énigme de l’absence de la cheffe juge à la State House! »

The Office of the Chief Justice hereby places on record that it has not received any invitation from the Office of the President inviting the Honourable Chief Justice to attend the State House for the swearing-in ceremonies of The Honourable Prime Minister, ii. The Honourable Ministers and Junior Ministers, ill.

The Honourable Attorney General. The Office of the Chief Justice assures everyone that, had the Honourable Chief Justice been invited, she would certainly have attended the above swearing-in ceremonies.

3 December 2024

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