For the Records : la première intervention du Speaker Duval

Adrien Duval: (Standing on the upper step): Hon. Members, in accordance with custom, I vouch to submit myself to the will of the House.

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I am grateful for the confidence the House has placed in me, and in particular, the hon. Prime Minister, Leader of the House for the kind words he said to my address.

I have had the privilege of serving the House as the youngest Deputy Speaker from December 2014 to December 2016. My experience in such capacity has been enriching. But whatever may have been the circumstances, I have always done my best to rise above and chaired proceedings in serenity.

I am particularly honoured that today I am being entrusted with the highest responsibilities of the Legislature.

Hon. Members, the Speaker is the symbol of the authority of Parliament…

At this stage, members of the opposition from the MMM, Labour Party & Les Nouveaux Démocrates entered the Chamber, without taking their seats and standing in the left aisle when facing the Speaker’s Chair, persistently and wilfully obstructed the business of the Assembly)

Mr Speaker: I shall reserve my speech to a later occasion. (Applause)

(Mr Speaker then takes the Chair)

The Mace which was, up to that time, under the Table, is placed upon the Table by the Serjeant- at-Arms


Mr Speaker: I will suspend the Sitting… (Interruptions) …until such time to be named! Thank you.

At 4.19 p.m., the Sitting was suspended.
On resuming at 4.30 p.m. with Mr Speaker in the Chair.

Mr Speaker: Hon. Members, I will read my speech anew. 

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l'édition du jour

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