Démission de Sherry Singh de MT : « I am unable to continue without compromising my values »

« I will unfortunately not be part of the next ride as I have submitted my resignation today. I am unable to continue without compromising my values and that is not an option for me », a écrit Sherry Singh dans un ultime message adressé aux employés de Mauritius Telecom suite à l’annonce de sa démission, ce jeudi 30 juin.

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Soutenant que « it is with a heavy heart that I write what is going to be my last message to you as your CEO », Sherry Singh affirme que « it has been seven years of the most amazing times transforming our company and country together, for the better ».

Le démissionnaire souligne avoir « earned the respect of our board, our clients and the population by consistently performing beyond expectations ».

« We have shown maturity by balancing our commercial objectives with our social obligations. We have shown brilliance by being one of the most innovative companies even on the continent as recognized by the industry », ajoute-t-il.

Sherry Singh estime que « we are today financially strong, commercially the reference, the No 1 company in terms of Innovation and Brand reputation, the No 1 in terms of infrastructure, the No 1 in terms of a “Great Place to work” and Corporate Wellness, No 1 in terms of number of International Awards from the industry and a reference in terms of our MUGA Social projects ».

Pour lui, « Mauritius Telecom is now gearing up to its next level of growth ».

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