Air Mauritius : le plan de sauvetage accepté par les créanciers

Air Mauritius n’est plus sous administration. En effet le plan de sauvetage proposé aux créanciers a été accepté par une majorité de votes exprimés (100%) lors du Watershed meeting qui avait débuté, hier, pour se terminer aujourd’hui.

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Le communiqué ci-joint a été mis cet après-midi:

At the Watershed Meeting held on 28 September 2021, the creditors of the Company were to consider the basis for the opinion of the Administrators and vote on one of the following resolutions:

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  • whether it would be in the creditors’ interests for the Company to execute the deed of company arrangement; or
  • whether it would be in the creditors’ interests for the administration to end; or
  • whether it would be in the creditors’ interests for the Company to be placed in liquidation.A resolution is adopted if a majority in number representing 75% in value of the creditors voting in person or by proxy, vote in favour of the resolution, in each class of creditors and if every class meeting adopts the same resolution.The results for each class meeting of creditors, are:

Class A – consisting of aircrafts operating lessors

The Company to execute
the proposed deed of company arrangement

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The administration of the
Company to end

The Company to be placed
into liquidation

Percentage (%) in number


Percentage (%) in value


Class B – consisting of hedge counterparties

The Company to execute
the proposed deed of company arrangement

The administration of the
Company to end

The Company to be placed
into liquidation

Percentage (%) in number


Percentage (%) in value


Class C – consisting of the general body
of creditors

The Company to execute
the proposed deed of company arrangement

The administration of the
Company to end

The Company to be placed
into liquidation

Percentage (%) in number




Percentage (%) in value




All the classes of creditors have resolved by the requisite majorities for the Company to execute the proposed deed of company arrangement.

The resolution in favour of the Company executing the deed of company arrangement is carried.

The deed of company arrangement, once executed by the Company and the Deed Administrators, shall constitute the deed of company arrangement of the Company in accordance with section G of the Sub Part IV of Part III of the Mauritius Insolvency Act 2009. The Administrators are appointed as Deed Administrators.

Dated this 29 September 2021

Mr A Sattar Hajee Abdoula, FCA

Mr Arvindsingh K. Gokhool, FCCA

Air Mauritius Limited (Administrators Appointed)


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