Know Your Candidate (KYC): Why Applying a Compliance Mindset to Elections Could Benefit the Nation

Dipty Gajadur

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Co-Founder and CEO of Let’s Comply

As the general election draws near, many voters have already decided who they will cast their ballots for. However, a significant number of voters are still caught in a dilemma, unsure of which candidate truly deserves their vote. Now that we have the official list of candidates for each constituency, an important question arises: Do we really know these candidates well enough to entrust them with the future of our country?

Having spent more than a decade in the risk and compliance sector, and co-founding my own firm, Let’s Comply – specializing in corporate and compliance consultancy; I can confidently say that compliance has become second nature to me. It’s not just a profession but a lens through which I view the world; a place where compliance, governance, and accountability are increasingly important; and it’s time we start applying the principles of Know Your Customer (KYC) to our electoral process. While KYC is traditionally used to verify customers and mitigate risk in sectors such as finance and compliance, a similar “Know Your Candidate” approach could help voters make more informed decisions, based on facts rather than historical biases, assumptions, or misleading social media narratives.

The Election Dilemma: Are We Truly Informed?

Elections are a critical component of democracy, yet the way we choose our representatives is often influenced by outdated loyalties, party affiliations, and emotional appeals rather than objective evaluations. Social media platforms flood us with information—some factual, some misleading—creating a whirlwind of noise that clouds our judgment.

Putting on my compliance hat, it seems only fair to ask: Why don’t we apply the same due diligence to our candidates as we do in other sectors of life where trust and accountability matter? The KYC principle in elections could be a starting point to truly “Know Your Candidate” before we vote. It’s a method that could help voters identify the right candidates, make more informed decisions, and ultimately benefit the entire economy.

What Would KYC Look Like for Candidates?

Just as we scrutinize potential clients or business partners before entering into any agreement, we should adopt a similar approach with political candidates. Here’s how applying the KYC principle could work in an electoral context:

  1. Identity Verification and Track Record

When we vote for a candidate, we’re essentially hiring them to represent us. So, it’s crucial to verify their identity, background, and political history. Have they delivered on past promises? Do they have any documented achievements or a history of serving the community? Knowing who they are beyond their public image is key.

  1. Integrity and Accountability

KYC in compliance also involves checking for any red flags that may indicate risks. For candidates, this could mean investigating any history of corruption, scandals, or involvement in unethical activities. In many cases, candidates have been part of long-standing political establishments, but does longevity in politics necessarily equate to integrity? Holding candidates accountable for their past actions helps ensure that we aren’t simply perpetuating a system of unaccountability.

  1. Financial Transparency

One of the pillars of compliance is financial transparency. Just as KYC checks for suspicious financial activity in businesses, voters should have access to a candidate’s financial declarations such as sources of campaign funding. Is the candidate involved in conflicts of interest? Do they maintain transparent financial dealings? These are crucial questions that help ensure the candidate’s decisions, once elected, will be for the public good rather than personal gain.

  1. Policy Consistency

Just as businesses are expected to comply with laws and regulations, candidates should be evaluated on their consistency when it comes to policy positions. A “Know Your Candidate” approach would scrutinize their track record on key issues such as the economy, healthcare, education, and national development. Have they demonstrated consistent views, or do they flip-flop based on popularity? A candidate’s reliability is critical to ensuring they can deliver on their promises.

  1. Social Media and Public Behavior

Social media is a powerful tool, but it can also be deceiving. Just as we would verify the authenticity of a brand or company’s online presence, we should evaluate a candidate’s behavior online. Are they spreading misinformation? Are they engaging in divisive rhetoric? Knowing how a candidate presents themselves to the public, especially online, can be a window into their leadership style and values.

The Benefits of Applying KYC
to Elections

By applying KYC principles to candidates, we can enhance the quality of our democracy as follows:

  1. Informed Voting Leads to Better Governance

When voters have clear, verified information about a candidate’s track record, policies, and personal integrity, they can make informed decisions that lead to the election of competent, ethical leaders. This can result in better governance, more accountability, and an overall improvement in the political landscape.

  1. Reducing the Influence
    of Bias and Emotion

Many voters make decisions based on historical loyalties to a political party or candidate, often without examining whether the individual’s values and policies still align with their own. By adopting a KYC approach, voters can set aside these biases and vote based on facts rather than emotions. This would encourage a shift towards a merit-based political system where candidates are judged on their competencies and integrity.

  1. Promoting Economic
    Stability and Growth

Leaders with proven track records in governance, transparency, and policy consistency can have a tremendous positive impact on the economy. Elected officials who understand the importance of regulatory frameworks and economic stability are more likely to implement policies that foster growth and attract investments. On the other hand, electing candidates with questionable ethics or inconsistent policies can lead to poor governance, economic instability, and loss of investor confidence.

  1. Enhancing


Just as KYC processes help businesses avoid dealing with risky customers, applying similar scrutiny to political candidates could help voters avoid electing individuals who pose risks to governance. This, in turn, fosters a culture of accountability where candidates understand that their past actions will be examined, and they cannot simply rely on charm or populism to win votes.

As we approach election day, it’s important to recognize the power we hold as voters. Our choices have long-term consequences for our country, our economy, and our future. By adopting a “Know Your Candidate” mindset, we can make more informed decisions that lead to better governance and a more prosperous Mauritian economy.

Rather than being swayed by historical prejudices, emotional appeals, or social media noise, let’s apply the principles of compliance and due diligence to our political process. By truly knowing our candidates, we ensure that we’re voting for individuals who will act with integrity, govern effectively, and contribute to the long-term well-being of our nation. After all, a vote isn’t just a right—it’s an investment in the future of our country.

Just as KYC processes help businesses avoid dealing with risky customers, applying similar scrutiny to political candidates could help voters avoid electing individuals who pose risks to governance. This, in turn, fosters a culture of accountability…



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