Tourism Sector – GM : « Mauritius on the right Track pending sufficient Air Connectvity »

DPM Obeegadoo: « From January to August 2023, tourism earnings amount to Rs 54,7 billion compared to Rs 36,3 billion during the same period in 2022 »

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The tourism sector remains high on the agenda of the authorities. On Friday, Cabinet has taken note of the situational analysis of the tourism sector two years after the complete reopening of the borders to tourism on 01 October 2021. The cumulative number of tourists visiting Mauritius since 01 October 2021 has crossed the threshold of two million during the month of September 2023, reaching 2,068,736 tourists on 30 September 2023. Tourist arrivals in Mauritius recovered by 92.6 percent for the period January to September 2023.
The official communique issued also adds that « the performance of the tourism sector since the reopening of the borders indicates that Mauritius is on the right track to reaching pre-pandemic numbers, subject to availability of sufficient air connectivity. The Mauritius Tourism Promotion Authority is implementing a market diversification strategy mainly in Asia, Eastern Europe, Middle East and Africa. »
Furthermore, on Tuesday last, in Parliament, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Tourism, Steven Obeegadoo, answered Parliamentary Question on that matter.
Extracts from Hansard:
DPM: Based on figures compiled by Statistics Mauritius, 901 126 tourists visited Mauritius from 01 January to 30 September 2023 compared to 638 332 tourists during the corresponding period in 2022. In other words, we have moved to approximately from 638 000 in 2022 to 901 000 in 2023.
Insofar as “leading markets” are concerned, and I understand that the hon. Member is here referring to markets which generated the highest number of tourists. For the period January to September 2023, the figures rounded up are as follows –
• France (Petropolitan), – approximately 211 000;
• United Kingdom – 101 000
• Reunion Island – 94 000;
• Germany – 81 000;
• South Africa – 73 000, and
• India – 41 000.

These six markets – France, UK, Reunion, Germany, South Africa and India, taken together account for two thirds of tourist arrivals and from the relevant period in 2022 to 2023, we have noted a progression in all six markets.
Latest available figures relating to tourism earnings published by the Bank of Mauritius concern August 2023. Accordingly, from January to August 2023, tourism earnings amount to Rs 54,7 billion compared to Rs 36,3 billion during the same period in 2022. Now, taking account of inflation, this represents an increase of 36% compared to the same period in 2022.

Doolub: Allow me to congratulate the Minister and the stakeholders who have worked together for this good performance. Having said so, Mr Speaker, Sir, may we know from the Minister, we have three months ahead, October, November and December which are considered as being peak period for the tourism industry, may we know from the Minister what is the total expected arrivals for these three upcoming months?

DPM: That is a very good question, Mr Speaker, Sir, but I do not like, I do not attempt to predict the future. The October figures should be out pretty soon and we have had a very good month of October – approximately 100 000 tourists. If we go by the booking trends for the next two months, we will have an excellent period of November-December which is our high season. We have already, from my reckoning, crossed the one million threshold for 2023. So, the figures will be significantly higher than one million this year. I am afraid that is all I can do for today.

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