Dans un mémoire soumis, hier, au ministre du Travail, Soodesh Callichurn, le Mauritius Trade Union Congress (MTUC) réclame une compensation salariale de Rs 1 500 pour ceux touchant jusqu’à Rs 50 000 et de Rs 1 000 pour ceux dans la fourchette de 50 000 à Rs 100 000.
La confédération syndicale souligne que la compensation salariale doit également être appliquée pour les pensionnés, les veuves, les orphelins et les personnes handicapées. Le président du MTUC, Dewan Quedou, concède que l’économie du pays a repris, « mais la population est en train de souffrir du taux d’inflation et de la hausse continue du coût de la vie. »
« Statistics Mauritius predicts an inflation rate of 10.7% for year ending 2022. Consumer Price Index (CPI) for the month of October 2022 stood at 125.7. If we analyse the price of various consumable goods, we shall see that the latter have continuously increased in prices and the tendency is still on the rise, thereby seriously affecting the purchasing power of the average worker in the tables mentioned by statistics Mauritius », estime Dewan Quedou.
Il ajoute : « MTUC is of opinion that certain items not beneficial to a human being must not be counted for while assessing the inflation rate in a country, for examples alcoholic drinks, cigarettes, Iuxurious cosmetics items. »
S’il admet que l’allocation de Rs 1 000 offerte aux salariés touchant jusqu’à Rs 50 000 aura quelque peu atténué la perte du pouvoir d’achat, il est cependant d’avis que ce n’est pas suffisant .
« MTUC, while accepting the official inflation rate of 10.7%, nevertheless proposes a higher compensation which we think will be fair and render justice to the average worker. We are therefore proposing an amount of Rs 1 500 for all workers earning up to a maximum salary of Rs 50,000. For those earning above Rs 50,000 up to Rs 100,000, we are proposing a sum of Rs 1 000. Those above Rs 100,000 will not get any salary compensation », fait-il ressortir.
« We also propose that all pensioners including elderly, orphans, widows and handicapped be also considered for a salary compensation as per above. The proposals of MTUC are genuine and deserve attention on the part of the government side. It is earaestly hoped that the quantum will meet the approval of all tripartite partners », dit-il dans le mémoire.
Il souligne ainsi que le gouvernement a suffisamment accordé de soutien aux entreprises pour faire face au Covid-19, et que « le moment est maintenant venu de renvoyer l’ascenseur ».
« We understand that the government has to encourage enterprises to collaborate in order to minimise redundancy and create additional jobs for those having been left behind. In fact, various incentives have already been provided to those companies and it is time for them to come within a consensus so as to compensate workers », s’appesantit le syndicaliste.