Almighty Allah (The Unique God, the Creator without any associate in His Worship) has prescribed the pilgrimage (Hajj) in Mecca, in the vicinity and sanctity of the Holy Ka’aba – the first Mosque for Mankind – during the first ten days of the Month of Hajj which in Arabic is Dhul-Hijjah.
The rites of Hajj actually start on the 8th of Dhul-Hijjah and lasts until the last three days of Eid-ul-Adha – 13th of Dhul-Hijjah – during which a Muslim pilgrim and any other Muslim of the world can accomplish the Qurbani or Udhiya (Blood Sacrifice) through the slaughtering of Islamic approved animals, e.g. Cattle.
The Hajj, being the fifth and last of the five pillars of Islam, it represents the readiness of the Muslim pilgrim to let go of all worldly attractions and desires, and to make the firm intention for a purified reform in his self and soul, to tread the pathway to Salvation, like a submitted soul offering his whole life and being to Allah, promising a complete reform within himself and seeking the help of Allah to achieve it.
This state of intention and purification does not start on the 8th of Dhul-Hijjah but as soon as the moon of Dhul-Hijjah appears, which indicates that the days of that Special Meeting with Allah are coming soon, and like all important meetings, this one Meeting is the most important of all, stretching over days of intense prayers and devotion.
If you want to follow the example of our Blessed Spiritual Father, Abraham (Ibrahim) – on him be peace – and his biological and spiritual sons, Isma’il and Muhammad (peace be upon them), then O you the one who has made the intention for Hajj and O Muslims, don’t let the world beguile you again after this journey/ voyage to the Holy Land.
It is Holy because of the Sacrifices and Hard Works of those blessed prophets and our Matriarch Agar (Hajra) – May Allah be pleased with her – who knew the value of sacrifice and submission to the Will of the Lord of all the Worlds.
Their dedication and love for Allah knew no bounds. Their sacrifices were worthy of being remembered till the End of Times. This is because they were people who were deserving of Allah’s Love and Mercy through the Inner and Outer display of their faith, devotion and love for Allah.
Love demands sacrifices. True love will always win. This is a battle which the true worshippers of Allah will win, Insha-Allah (God Willing) through their dedication to His Cause, by complying with His every command.
O my brothers, sisters and children, if it is Allah you want, then be prepared for the tests of Faith.
If it is Allah your Goal, then be prepared for the thorns in the Way to your Salvation.
The Goal is near O dear ones, you just have to awaken your souls to it.
Let this forthcoming Hajj and Eid be the most prominent moments of your lives when you win every battle against your own Nafs (ego) and every Evil, and you embrace Submission to Allah, like a Babe – pure in his essence – returning to the Loving Arms of his Creator.
If you want to follow Ibrahim, Isma’il, Hajra and the Holy Prophet Muhammad’s – peace be upon them – example, let me remind you that you should be ready for many such sacrifices which will attract the pleasure of Allah upon you.
Stay far away from the Wrath of Allah and invite His Love and Mercy on your humble selves. Humility, Kindness, and the Inner and Outer display of such love and faith will guide your steps and hearts to the accomplishment of your duties to Allah; these are but sacred duties to Him filled with His Love and Mercy.
Through His Will, Allah has opened your way to the Hajj. Then always be grateful for this and thank Him profusely for this Blessing for many Muslims around the world don’t always get the opportunity to accomplish this Blessed Pillar of the Deen of Allah.
If Islam is the Very Way of Life of all Muslims, then the Hajj is the portrayal of that devotion and love to Allah, by accepting to leave everything behind to embrace that Spiritual Retreat with one’s Almighty God although one is surrounded by other Muslim pilgrims in thousands and millions.
At that particular moment, all the crowd disappears. It is just Allah and you. It is that Meeting which reminiscents the Judgement to come.
So my dear ones, once your intention for the Hajj is made, let Allah be your Focus. Drown your desires and egos in the Tears of Repentance and seek Him alone Who is the Treasure of all Existence. We are here because of Him. Let us thank Him and be for Him, in felicity and love, and let us reform our lives accordingly to reflect our pact with Him when He first trusted us to this World. Insha-Allah, Ameen.
I wish to all of you who are going for the Hajj, Bon Voyage. May Allah protect you all, pour down His multitudinous blessings upon you and accept your Hajj. Ameen.
Your Brother in Islam,
Imam Muhyiuddin Munir A. Azim
Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam
‘The Hajj, being the fifth and last of the five pillars of Islam, it represents the readiness of the Muslim pilgrim to let go of all worldly attractions and desires, and to make the firm intention for a purified reform in his self and soul, to tread the pathway to Salvation, like a submitted soul offering his whole life and being to Allah, promising a complete reform within himself and seeking the help of Allah to achieve it.’