Navratri: Challenging Societal Perceptions

Navratri, which translates to nine nights, is a Hindu festival observed during the month of ‘Ashvin’ (September-October in the Gregorian calendar). The different avatars of Goddess Durga are worshipped during this auspicious period. As per legends, a powerful demon, King Mahishasura, was wreaking havoc and was a menace to the universe. No one and nothing could stop his destructive pattern until Maa Durga’s descent on Earth. Then, started an epic battle of goodness versus evil, spanning over nine days. On the tenth day, which is celebrated as ‘Dussehra’ or ‘Vijaya Dashami’, Mahishasura was eventually defeated. Maa Durga is therefore the epitome of the awakening of feminine power, indomitable determination, faith and wisdom.

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As devotees venerate the goddess and her various attributes, it is an occasion for all to reflect on how her feminine energy could be a driving force in challenging long-held beliefs about women and forging new pathways for a better society. Despite the progress made by men and women globally to build a just and fair society, women are still side-lined in multiple spheres. As per the Global Gender Gap Index of the World Economic Forum, Mauritius is woefully lagging behind in terms of the economic participation and opportunity provided to women, educational attainment, health and survival as well as political empowerment. Also, representation of women in the local political sphere is a dismal 20%, which clearly shows the status that women occupy within political parties although they constitute the majority of the population. While millions of devotees fast and revere Maa Durga during Navratri, let us refresh our minds and hearts and reflect on the lingering issues afflicting us and how to move forward positively.

Domestic Violence Dilemma

A sickening video clip made the headlines this week in Mauritius, where a man was seen mercilessly thrashing and insulting his partner. The woman was on the floor, writhing in agony, begging for mercy as he pulled her hair and kept kicking at her. This clip typifies thousands of cases of domestic violence, including those which do not get reported due to family taboos; these same hypocritical family members who will shed tears when their daughter is found dead but who chose to stay silent while the abuse was ongoing. They instead encourage the daughter to stay with the partner/husband, while minding about what other people would think! How lame that the opinions of others matter more than the life of a person, a family member, a daughter or a mother!

As per latest figures from ‘Statistics Mauritius’, 82.1% of victims of domestic violence are women and 17.9% are men. Violence against anyone should never be condoned. These figures however reveal that disproportionately, an overwhelming majority of women are silent sufferers. With proper support and guidance, the lucky ones are able to escape the clutches of brutality and can finally breathe in a sigh of relief, ultimately living for themselves and/or their children. Sadly, the trend of domestic violence against women persists worldwide. It is hoped that Maa Durga’s blessings encourage people to review their actions and words. How can one worship a goddess and end up laying a hand on women or verbally and psychologically mistreating them? Family members and authorities should strive to protect and empower those who have lost their voice, keeping in mind the virtues embodied by Maa Durga.

Revenge Porn and Sexual Assault

A quick look at social media reveals the sleazy mindset regarding women’s bodies and an utter lack of consideration for them, particularly in the wake of a breakup. Revenge porn has become an intricate societal issue, where men ‘leak’ intimate photos and videos of their former partners, in a last-ditch attempt to humiliate them for choosing to end the relationship. Unfortunately, in such circumstances, society tends to lay the blame on women for having shared these personal photos and videos, even questioning her morals INSTEAD of blaming the perpetrator of this heinous act. Cybercrime authorities are saturated with revenge porn cases, thus delaying the process of giving justice to the victims, who are often ostracised from their family, given a rough time at work and generally tend to give up. The rebuilding process is a painful and mostly lonely one. Court cases take ages, further discouraging victims.

As for sexual violence and sexual exploitation cases, latest figures in Mauritius are worrying; 588 women are victims compared to 42 men in 2022, amidst unreported cases. Again, women are on the receiving end. Our mostly judgemental society rapidly moves on to sordid and baseless conclusions; that the woman was looking for it, that she was wearing inappropriate clothes, that she was out on her own, that she chose to put herself at risk INSTEAD of firmly pointing the finger at the perpetrator. It is crucial to teach everyone about mutual respect since the primary degree of socialisation within the family. None is born a mere commodity, who is deserving of violence based on gender. If anything, Navratri is a reminder to honour the limitless and innermost potential of women and to keep fighting for upholding the rights of everyone.

Medical Gaslighting

Another phenomenon coming to light regarding women, regards medical gaslighting. Many women who suffer from serious medical conditions are quickly dismissed on the basis of stress, hormones or delusions. It is just convenient to tell the woman to deal with it, citing throbbing menstrual pains as being absolutely normal (though they are not!) or claiming that endometriosis is not THAT severe, that postpartum depression is a figment of their imagination and that life should go on. Pop a couple of pills, have some rest and that is it; especially in the public healthcare sector which cannot cope with the hordes of patients, day in, day out. On this thread, we should highlight that some mindless beings still view periods as impure and the menstruating women as ‘dirty’. So, what is the point of honouring a goddess and demeaning women based on their biological characteristics?

Shrugging off women’s medical concerns is not only disrespectful but also presents a critical danger to women’s health. Grave underlying conditions are ignored till it is too late. It is high time to change perceptions regarding the quality of healthcare dispensed to women and to learn to listen.

A Humble Prayer

May this Navratri and the fiery spirit of Maa Durga inspire us to look within ourselves, change the way we think and feel and most importantly, rethink the actions we need to initiate to build a safer future for everyone.

Bhawna Atmaram

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