Honourable Minister,
I read, with some sadness, the open letter from Firoz Ghanty to the Prime minister in the Forum Page of Le Mauricien of the 7th December.
I am impressed by the mission statement of your Ministry which states :-
“To foster a balanced and harmonious Mauritian society through consolidation of existing pluralism, promotion of creativity and the promotion of cultural values.”
This seems to be in contradiction with the experience of artists like Mr Firoz Ghanty …. at least with the message that was transmitted in his letter.

I have never met the artist but have had the pleasure and opportunity of appreciating his work and feel compelled to bring to your attention the injustice and unfairness which is experienced by creative Mauritians like him which must be frustrating and humiliating.
I appeal to your Ministry to celebrate the Human, the marks people make on the world through Art and to treasure the local, the eccentric, the ordinary and whatever is made out of caring and compassion. Please appreciate and respect the arduous journey an individual artist has to travel to gain some recognition… please find the beauty in your National treasure and enhance it by acknowledging publicly that talent in Art is not restricted to the international icons. Art and Artists make statements – sometimes understood …sometimes misunderstood …. but always with a degree of appreciation, awe and wonderment …this is human creativity at its best…Honour it… because Artists capture magic which is fleeting and a brushstroke puts it on canvas for eternity.
Firoz Ghanty’s works challenge your reality and his composition transports your mind in a spiritual world that is visually appealing …reconnects your soul with the compassion of humanity.
So before you lose artists like him to the commercial world of Europe…cherish and acknowledge publicly what you have in Mauritius.
With all due respect.