
Does Feminism Scare?

“Feminism” was declared Word of the Year 2017 by Merriam-Webster. Undoubtedly, in 2017, women’s voices reverberated. Women have marked the year on various fronts,...

The Federer of film

There has never been an actor as obsessive as Day-Lewis. He dons the role as if it were a handmade suit. He is a...

The Arya Samaj and its activities in Mauritius

The seed of the Arya Samaj was haphazardly sown on Mauritian soil in 1898 by Subedar Bholanath Tiwari of the 1st Bengal Infantry who...

An eminent sugar technologist of our diaspora

Jacques René Albert-Thenet was born on Beau Champ Sugar Estate, Mauritius on 18 October 1940. He first earned a diploma in Agriculture, Engineering and...

Affichage sauvage

« Le respect des lois rend les villes florissantes. » Euripide (Ve s. av. J.-C.) Maison à vendre ou à louer; école maternelle à la...

(Dis)Connected Moris

Road networks and their users tend to provide a reliable gauge for the relative strength of the rule of law and the civic sense...

2017: 65 journalists killed on the job

The job of a press reporter or cameraman may not be as glamorous as one may tend to think.  The job may seem exciting...

What happens after the stinking kitchen is out?

The cyclic switch between two dynasties seems to be on the cards once again. With MLP generating some momentum after Arvin Boolell’s victory in Belle-Rose/Quatre-Bornes,...

In Jeetoo Hospital (Male Ward)

M.D Messages envoyés par une amie dont le frère est mort à l’hôpital alors qu’elle repartait comme prévu pour le pays où elle réside depuis...

Egalité des chances : Le tribunal compétent raye le procès intenté à Vijaya Samputh et autres

La focalisation sur l’élection législative partielle de Belle-Rose/ Quatre-Bornes aura passablement détourné l’attention sur l’intéressant verdict du Tribunal de l’égalité des chances (EOT), rendu...

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