
École et Vie Intellectuelle

L’expression de « vie intellectuelle » paraît paradoxalement assez peu appropriée pour des raisons que nous allons tenter de cerner. D’abord parce que la « vie » elle-même...

Open Letter to the Leaders of Tomorrow

Saffiyah Edoo Dear Aspiring Leaders, I hope you are sitting up, observing, paying heed to what is happening and taking copious notes. By now, you must...

Metro Mauritius : Designing for humans

Are we building a new public transportation line? By all measures this is a big and complex undertaking and it’s interesting to see how others...

Who’s behind the presidential saga ?

Who is trying to destabilize a properly elected government by having advised President Ameenah Gurib-Fakim to institute her own Commission of Inquiry? This exercise...

Capitalism’s priestly class are economists

Yanis Varoufakis, who served as Greece’s finance minister, makes a key distinction between a ‘market’ (a place for exchange or barter) and an ‘economy’...

Nouvel an Baha’i, le ‘Nawruz’

Bureau des Affaires extérieures de la Foi bahaïe En ce 21 mars, les Bahá’ís à Maurice et du monde entier célèbrent le Nawruz, le nouvel...

Glory to thee ! Motherland of mine | Qui a dit que l’exemple vient d’en haut?

“It is not in the storm nor in the strife that we feel benumbed and wish to be no more but in the after-silence...

From Trump’s Post-Truths to our very own Fakim’s Half-Truths

I remember being struck by Françoise Vergès’s comment that small insular islands such as Mauritius suffer from a certain ‘trauma of insignificance’. It is something...

Imponderables and perplexities

JEEWAN RAMLUGUN   The field gets indefatigably tilled, the soil lavishly nourished for a bounty yield, for a crop that would please Ceres and Demeter, but the ample harvest much...

Après la farce, la tragédie

Avinaash I. Munohur L’histoire se répète toujours deux fois. La première fois comme tragédie, la seconde comme farce. À moins d’un renversement spectaculaire dont elle semble avoir...

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