Independence and post-colonial Mauritius 1968-1982

The historicity, i.e, the historical authenticity of the Mauritian Independence has been misunderstood or has been deliberately misinterpreted. This article is based on recently declassified papers of the British National Archives at Kew Gardens with as usual a rational analysis of both events and evidence. We will get our history in perspective at two levels, Mauritian and international. First, colonialism in Mauritius did not come from the outside. It was built in the very fabric of Mauritian society. We are all descendants of immigrants, willing or unwilling. There were no original inhabitants here neither conquerors nor conquered. Here through the colonial configuration of power, ethnic pluralism and a correlated economic hierarchy got entranched in the colonial genesis. Communalism, ethnic and class conflicts, not nationalism, constantly manifested itself. Second, there was no nationalist movement here nor fight for independence. The fight, if any, was to get control of the State and administrative apparatus by two opposing ethnic-based political groups. In March 1968, there was a transfert of power to a well-groomed, for nearly three decades (1937-1967), Indian Western-educated elite created in the image of the British. This elite became the colonial legatees of an independant state in 1968. But once in power this group of gentle Macaulayans became Machiavellians in response to persistent juvenile protests and sustained political militancy. Post colonial Mauritius emerged, from 1969 to 1982, with all the ugliness of the colonial.
In History, maritime powers has always been an inspiration to rising world powers. It gives them strategic advantage. And Britain’s role in the Indian Ocean has always been strategic. By 1815 with the acquisition of the Cape, Ceylan, Seychelles, Mauritius, Rodrigues and the Chagos, Britain firmly secured the route to India and laid the foundation of what is known as the second British Empire. However, Britain in its colonial strategy, constantly resorted to dismemberment of one entity to form another to suit its naval, military and, generally, it’s broad mercantile needs. Seychelles main islands were removed from the administration of Mauritius in 1903 and formed into a new colony. IN 1908 Coetivy Island and in 1921 Farquhar Island were also detached from Mauritius administration and added to that of Seychelles.

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