Consultations budgétaires : la FPBOU propose un Master Plan face aux inondations à Port-Louis

Dans le cadre de l’éventuelle présentation du budget 2024-2025, la Federation of Parastatal Bodies and Other Unions (FPBOU) vient d’adresser au ministère des Finances son mémoire. L’un des points saillants de ce document, d’une vingtaine de pages, concerne la nécessité de mettre en place un schéma directeur pour faire face aux inondations et pour sauver des vies humaines à Port-Louis.

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« It’s also crucial to go over the Land Drainage Master Plan 2022, whereby a budget was voted. How far have we been able to ensure the protection of life and property of the citizen and endeavour to minimise havoc and suffering caused? We suffered flash floods in March 2008 and 2013, which resulted in 300 vehicles damaged and 15 deaths. In 2024 we again faced difficulties during cyclone Belall as approximately 100 vehicles were damages and one person lost his life. The cyclone also had a negative impact on our agriculture; we faced 25% to 30 % lost in agriculture. Vegetables today are still scarce in the market and prices are high. We need to be aware that the City Centre is surrounded by mountain ranges and in case of heavy rain water will continue to accumulate quickly and cause flooding if nothing is done. Illegal construction on drains or building by the side of drains must be stopped. For example, KFC building on Le-Pouce Canal, covered parking of Air Mauritius, Rogers Parking, Hawkers Palace Building and Garden Tower, etc… The foundation of the buildings on the drain results in the obstruction to water flow,” dénonce Deepak Benydin, président de la FPBOU.

Il s’est appesanti sur la nécessité de venir de l’avant avec une Parastatal Bodies Services Commission pour réglementer les recrutements dans les corps para-étatiques. « An analysis of the current state of affairs demonstrates the necessity of creating an institution independent from the parastatal body in order to promote merit, equity, and fairness in the hiring, promotion, and disciplinary functions now performed by the aforementioned organisation. This is also help to combat fraud and corruption. In the past, we did witness an unethical behaviour when a chairman’s relative who was not even qualified was appointed. The Chairman in question was sentenced to one year imprisonement”, ajoute Deepak Benydin.

Le président de la FPBOU devait aussi revenir sur la nécessité pour le gouvernement de venir avec des mesures pour régler le problème du vieillissement de la population. « It should be noted that nowadays most couples have one or two kids. In the past, five children were considered to be the normal norm for families. The population is ageing and the ratio of sustainability is declining, and this has been observed by all quarters, local or international. This will adversely affect our productivity. Let’s take for example one of the youngest populations in the world, India. India holds a bright future. India has more than 50% of its population below the age of 25 and more than 65% below the age of 35.Thus, we highly recommend that the Mauritian government embrace policies that promote larger family sizes. The most recent budget includes a Rs 2 000 allowance for each child up to the age of three. We should consider this as an investment in human capital. Investing in a child now will not only benefit the child and his/her family but will also benefit the nation as a whole », avance-t-il encore.

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