La Fédération des syndicats du secteur public (FSSP) demande de ministère de la Fonction d’ouvrir une enquête sur les circonstances du décès de l’Office Management Executive du ministère de la Santé survenu le 9 juin, et dont corps avait été retrouvé sur l’asphalte durant les heures de travail après qu’elle soit tombée du 10e étage du bâtiment Emmanuel Anquetil. Dans une lettre ayant pour titre “Questions raising workplace death of a public officer during working hours”, adressée au bureau du Secretary for Public Service, la secrétaire de la FSSP, Bhoopa Brizmohun, souligne que des bruits courent selon lesquels la fonctionnaire en question aurait subi des pressions au travail.
Elle ajoute que si l’on tient compte de la structure du bâtiment, il serait difficile d’imaginer qu’il s’agit d’une chute accidentelle. « As you must be aware many rumours are being heard about the premature death of the Public Officer and one among them is that she had been subjected to pressure at work. Moreover, given the structure of the Emmanuel Anquetil Building, it is very hard to imagine anybody falling from any office in the building. Should pressure at work has even a hint of inducement in the fatal workplace death of a public officer during working hours, it should be a matter of concern for the State as Employer. Moreover, as this tragedy are also raising questions on occupational safety and security, the Federation of Public Sector and Other Unions considers that any shortcoming should be identified to determine accountability and to take necessary corrective action », souligne la secrétaire de la FSSP.
La secrétaire de la FSSP souligne que le département d’Occupational Health and Safety Unit du ministere de la Fonction doit enquêter sur cette affaire pour déterminer les causes de cette chute fatale et proposer des mesures « pour que rien de la sorte ne se reproduise à l’avenir ».
« Definitely, the Occupational Health and Safety Unit of your Ministry should investigate into the matter not only to determine any case of neglect but also to make necessary recommendations to prevent a recurrence of this nature at any time. A tragedy causing the death of a public officer during working hours on the precinct of a building owned by and used by government is a matter of utmost concern that should not be allowed to be forgotten in silence. The matter should be examined to assess the cause/causes behind to impel anticipatory preventive measures. The FPSOU is urging for the necessary investigation and to be provided with a report on its findings for pre-emptive follow up », conclut-elle dans la lettre.