Anou Koz Parol-155 – Zourne Mondial Tradiksion 2024: Konstitision Repiblik Moris an Kreol

Prof.Arnaud Carpooran

- Publicité -

Lindi 30 Septam 2024, lemond antie pe selebre Zourne Mondial Tradiksion. Pou mark sa evennman-la, enn lekip resers ki reini plizier dimounn depi diferan institision edikatif tersier, pe rann piblik 50 premie lartik nou Konstitision dan enn version bileng Angle-Kreol. Bann lezot lartik (ena 122 antou + plizier seksion dan Anex) pou swiv dan bann semenn ki pe vini.

Dan kad enn proze resers

Tradiksion Konstitision depi Angle ziska Kreol Morisien, fer parti enn proze resers inter-institisionel ki finanse par Higher Education Commission (HEC) e ki ena pou tit: “Promoting Institutional Democracy through Language Access in Kreol Repiblik Moris and Digital Innovation”.

Rann nou demokrasi institisionel  aksesib ek maximum dimounn

Alor ki enn parmi bann obzekif spesifik sa proze-la, se prepar terin pou introdiksion Kreol dan Parlman, so finalite global se rann nou demokrasi institisionel aksesib ek maximum dimounn ki ena dan Moris, atraver zot prop langaz. Dan sa kontext-la, gagn enn version Konstitision dan langaz bann Morisien reprezant, dapre nou, enn letap istorik ek sinbolik mazer pou nou pei antan ki enn pei souverin.

Apropriasion ek validasion popiler

Pou rann sa letap-la ankor pli istorik ek sinbolik, nou pe invit non selman maximum dimounn ki ena dan Moris pran konesans konteni nou Konstitision dan zot prop langaz, me ousi vinn donn nou enn koudme aktif atraver zot feedback, komanter ek propozision. Non selman sa pou permet nou fer enn akt apropriasion lor nou konstitision, me li pou ousi permet tradiksion-la gagn enn validasion popiler.

Invitasion nasional pou enn kontribision vokal: “Anou poz nou lavwa lor nou Konstitision”

Pou rann diseminasion konteni nou Konstitition ankor pli vivan, nou pe invit ousi maximum Morisien, dan tou zot diversite (ki li lor plan gender, kiltirel, zenerasionel, rezional, klas sosial, etc.), vinn met zot lavwa lor diferan extre nou Konstitision. Nou pou rann version odio (ou odio-viziel)-la aksesib lor bann platform nimerik pou ki nou Konstitision kapav rant dan lakaz sak Morisien atraver so prop langaz.

Nou remersie zot deza pou zot kontribision (kontakt:

An-atandan, nou propoz zot detrwa extre.



Article 1. The State

Mauritius shall be a sovereign democratic State, which shall be known as the Republic of Mauritius.

Article 2. Constitution is supreme law

This Constitution is the supreme law of Mauritius and if any other law is inconsistent with this Constitution, that other law shall, to the extent of the inconsistency, be void.


Article 7. Protection from inhuman treatment

(1) No person shall be subjected to torture or to inhuman or degrading punishment or other such treatment.

(2) Nothing contained in or done under the authority of any law shall be held to be inconsistent with or in contravention of this section to the extent that the law in question authorises the infliction of any description of punishment that was lawful in Mauritius on 11 March 1964.

3 Article 15. Protection of freedom of movement

(1) No person shall be deprived of his freedom of movement, and for the purposes of this section, that freedom means the right to move freely throughout Mauritius, the right to reside in any part of Mauritius, the right to enter Mauritius, the right to leave Mauritius and immunity from expulsion from Mauritius.

(2) Any restriction on a person’s freedom of movement that is involved in his lawful detention shall not be held inconsistent with or in contravention of this section.



Article 33. Qualifications for membership

Subject to section 34, a person shall be qualified to be elected as a member of the Assembly if, and shall not be qualified unless –

(a) is a Commonwealth citizen of not less than the age of 18 years;

(b) has resided in Mauritius for a period of, or periods amounting in the aggregate to, not less than 2 years before the date of his nomination for election;

(c) has resided in Mauritius for a period of not than less 6 months immediately before that date; and

(d) is able to speak and, unless incapacitated by blindness or other physical cause, to read the English language with a degree of proficiency sufficient to enable him to take an active part in the proceedings of the Assembly.


Article 42. Qualifications of electors

(1) Subject to section 43, a person shall be entitled to be registered as an elector if, and shall not be so entitled unless –

(a) he is a Commonwealth citizen of not less than the age of 18 years; and

(b) either he has resided in Mauritius for a period of not less than 2 years immediately before such date as may be prescribed by Parliament or he is domiciled in Mauritius and is resident there on the prescribed date.

(2) No person shall be entitled to be registered as an elector –

(a) in more than one constituency; or

(b) in any constituency in which he is not resident on the prescribed date.


Article 49. Official language

The official language of the Assembly shall be English but any member may address the chair in French.


Article 94 Pension laws and protection of pension rights

(1) The law to be applied with respect to any pension benefits that were granted to any person before 12 March 1968 shall be the law that was in force at the date on which those benefits were granted or any law in force at a later date that is not less favourable to that person.



Lartik 1. Leta

Moris enn Leta demokratik souverin ki apel Repiblik Moris.

Lartik 2. Konstitision limem lalwa siprem 

Sa Konstitision-la, limem lalwa siprem Moris e si ninport ki lot lalwa napa konform avek sa Konstitision-la, sa lalwa-la pou konsidere, dan degre so non-konformite, kouma non-valid.

2-Lartik 7. Proteksion kont bann tretman inimin

(1) Personn pa gagn drwa servi tortir ouswa enn lot pinision ou tretman ki degradan ouswa inimin kont enn lot dimounn.

(2) Okenn dispozision ki ena dan enn lalwa, ou okenn  aksion ki tom sou lotorite enn lalwa, pa pou konsidere kouma inkonpatib ou an violasion avek sa lartik-la, dan limit kot lalwa-la permet ki infliz ninport ki form sanksion ki ti legal dan Moris le 11 Mars 1964.

3-Lartik 15. Proteksion liberte sirkilasion

(1) Personn pa gagn drwa priv enn dimounn so liberte sirkilasion, ek dan kad sa seksion-la, sa liberte-la vedir drwa pou deplase dan enn fason lib atraver Moris, drwa pou abit dan ninport ki parti Moris, drwa pou rant dan Moris, drwa pou kit Moris ek iminite kont expilsion depi Moris.

(2) Ninport ki restriksion lor liberte sirkilasion enn dimounn dan kad so detansion legal pa pou konsidere kouma non-konform ouswa an violasion ek sa seksion-la.



Lartik 33. Kriter elizibilite pou vinn manb Lasanble

Sou rezerv seksion 34, enn dimounn pou elizib pou vinn enn manb Lasanble si, ek li pa pou kalifie amwin ki: –

(a) li enn sitwayin Commonwealth ki ena omwin 18 an;

(b) li finn res Moris pandan enn peryod ki pa mwins ki 2 an, ou lor diferan peryod ki, kan met zot ansam, fer pa mwins ki 2 an, avan dat so nominasion pou eleksion;

(c) li finn res Moris pandan enn peryod ki pa mwins ki 6 mwa zis avan sa dat-la, ek

(d) li kapav koze ek, amwin ki li pa kapav fer li akoz li aveg ouswa li ena enn andikap fizik, lir Angle avek enn degre konpreansion ki permet li partisip aktivman dan bann travay Lasanble.

5-Lartik 42. Kondision elizibilite bann elekter

(1) Sou rezerv Seksion 43, enn dimounn gagn drwa anrezistre kouma enn elekter inikman si: —

(a) li enn sitwayin Commonwealth ki ena mwins ki18 an; ek

(b) li finn res Moris pandan enn peryod ki mwins ki 2 an zis avan dat ki finn preskrir par Parlman ouswa li ena enn rezidans Moris e li pe rezid isi sa dat-la.

(2) Personn pa gagn drwa anrezistre kouma elekter: —

(a) dan plis ki enn sirkonskripsion; ouswa

(b) dan enn sirkonskripsion kot li pa pe reste dat ki finn preskrir pou eleksion.

6-Lartik 49. Lang ofisiel

Angle lang ofisiel Lasanble Nasional, me ninport ki manb gagn drwa adres li ek Prezidans Lasanble an Franse.

7-Lartik 94. Lalwa pansion ek proteksion drwa pansion

(1) Lalwa ki pou aplike lor ninport ki alokasion pansion ki enn dimounn ti pe gagne avan le 12 Mars 1968, li pou lalwa ki ti anviger dat kot bann alokasion-la ti verse, ouswa ninport ki lalwa ki finn vinn anviger apre, lor kondision ki li pa mwin favorab pou dimounn-la.

Prof. Arnaud Carpooran

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