Finance Bill – The Views not voiced by the leader of the Opposition, Arvin Boolell : « Not many Devils in the Details but there are some vicious Ones « 

The Omnibus legislation is before us for debate. I would like first to pay tribute to late Mr Oozeer Known as Mr Finance Bill. He knew how to surreptitiously usher in a measure announced in the budget into the finance Bill sometimes with an effortless sense of superiority. There are not many devils in the details of the amendments. There are some vicious ones .

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Let me first refer to social measures announced
The social measures in the schedules have to be sustained. We welcome them.
Enactment is not an end to itself. Beware of run away inflation and depreciation of the rupee. Deliberately done to narrow Government debt and artificially raise GDP.
Sound management of macroeconomic policies is the backbone of the economy. Cost of living crisis hit poor, lesser poor and middle class with a striking force unleashed by a decadent regime which manipulates figures. Prescription charges are largely prohibitive for the seniors.

We have to safeguard our legitimate rights. Rights to decent pension and minimum wages are human rights.

Section 6 of the Finance Bill : Bank of Mauritius Act amended .
In effect, we will now be in a system of money printing when linked to the provisions of Section 11 whereby excess is transferred to Consolidated funds annually. End result will be an ongoing depreciation of MUR (Mauritian Rupee) and loss of confidence in central bank and MUR. The Board of Central Bank is too meek. This has to be examined closely. Previously any funds out of the Special Reserve seems to have been closely monitored and used IN ORDER OF PRIORITY.

They seem to be making it easier to transfer funds to the General Reserve .
Who is the main shareholder! Government. Governor of Central Bank can only act with consent from PM who will give instruction to his Minister of Finance. They are the culprits.
Section 95 : 17A work from home
Work from home has room for improvement. The unsocial hours during week days should be reviewed. As from 6 pm on weekday and 6 am on the ensuing day workers should be left to be with families and to spend quality time.
In Europe the Workers rights in relation to working hours are more decent. It would augur for their welfare .

Section 17 makes provision for deterrence.
Consumer Protection (Price and supplies Control)Act amended
The setting up of a special prosecution unit as spelt out in section 27 (a) of the Consumer Protection act amended gives powers to the designated officers to refer cases of Fixed penalty notice to ODDP to be decided as whether to be set aside or to prosecute. Unscrupulous traders have to be sanctioned.It is odd that an official shortage of eggs has been created . It has provoked the wrath of consumers.

We have been self sufficient in production of poultry meat and eggs since 1976. Suddenly there is a shortfall and panic buying. Be it eggs or foreign currencies , medication , shortages or shortfall is becoming a way of life. The signs of impending doom is likely if corrective measures are not taken . Beware of the boom to bust narrative.
Powers will be vested in the Consumers protection officers .The Health inspectors have the rights to inspect , serve notice and refer cases to ODPP.

Section 19 – Customs Tariffs Act amendment : 3 (A) a : I take it for granted all owners of damaged motor vehicles victims of flash floods will be paid insurance because of total loss. It’s good to know if FSC had assessed the qualifications and credibility of some claims handlers and Surveyors.

There are many claims which are yet to be processed and I expect the Minister of Finance to cross check that all genuine cases are attended to. There is a racket operating. I hope there is a scrutiny to make sure genuine cases are processed. Some insurance companies are being unfair to victims who deserve applications to be fast tracked.
The former Director of the FSC deserves our appreciation for his prompt decision to rescue the victims. But some insurance companies are being difficult vis a vis victims. Don’t forget under this regime tainted oil had damaged many vehicles.

Section 35
Fisheries Act 2023 amended and Clause 77 removal of sand act:
The protection of our marine resources does not seem to be a priority despite continuous degradation of our marine environment . Yet it is the bedrock of our tourism sector. This is the image of a paradise island . Pristine environment in postal card only.
Unfortunately the regime thrives on contradiction . In the budget provision is made for the setting up of 250 coral farms and then proposes amendment to the removal of sand act for sand extraction. Of course corals will be damaged.

I was appalled and shocked to learn from reliable sources that Section 77 is being amended despite sound advice tendered to Ministers of Environment, Fisheries and PM by technical team comprising of Director of Environment, and Director of ICMZ. Removal of sand will disrupt the ecosystem. It’s an act of folly for the Regime to make concessions to the private sector. Pumping sand from the lagoon in front of Trou aux Biches or other hotels is an environmental crime. Conceding to the private sector lobby for a few dollars more ! Is it what’s its all about! Minister of fisheries went to Maldives to learn that sand is pumped to be dumped . No not all . Maldives has moving sand bank as in St Brandon. Sand extraction will lead to irreversible damages.

Government is running away from the findings of AWACS
report . The alternatives are there . From nature based solutions to inland sand quarries we can travel a long way . The quantity of sand available in sand quarries is there for 50 years. Should there be pumping of sand from sea bed. Save our lagoons. Err on side of caution.
Is this way forward to prevent beach erosion? If it is a last resort measure then make sure an EIA certificate is issued .But an EIA. Certificate is not a passport for certainty that no environmental damage would be avoided.

The ruling of the privy council in relation to Beau Vallon – Pointe d’Esny village Development is note of caution. Of course the case will be before the EULAT. Should Beau Vallon not put on hold its ongoing construction till the tribunal so decides.
Climate change solutions do not mean raking our seabed and removal of sand from lagoons because the regime has sold out. Best regime that money can buy. Government has to come clean. Why should a % of the proceeds be credited to the consolidated fund.
The views of experts on beach erosion have to be heard. A study has to be conducted and its findings the subject of wide discussions at bar of public opinion.

But the Minister of Environment will have go for certainty.Notwithstanding IUU the fisheries act being amended to give licence to operator to go for demersal activities act against our interests . Raking the sea bed to devastate our fishing industry. Certainly not . The use of drift nets and trawling nets have been associated with ghost fishing and the destruction of seamounts and plateau including Mascarene Plateau .

It is considered and recognized by scientists and international community as a unique and high value marine biodiversity hotspot and blue carbon sink. Bottom trawling will mechanically wipe out the nurseries which seed and feed our unique maritime biodiversity hotspot. Some of these

We had the courage based on scientific evidence to enact a moratorium on sea cucumber exploitation. Time to protect our sensitive marine environmental assets . Say No to drift nets and bottom trawling. We cannot bow to foreign or domestic forces .

The politicians promises of yesterday’s are the taxes of today.Corporate climate responsibility puts an onus on all companies to pay a levy of 2% of its chargeable income. Global business companies are not spared and have to contribute. Management companies have the capacity to pay . We should not charge the investors who have invested in foreign currencies in our banks . Be careful they may seek elsewhere and take their capital to more attractive jurisdictions. Let them be . As of now we need foreign currencies which are hard to come across. Besides those which are eligible to pay the 2% should pay on a calendar year and not simply a financial year

Section 51 [3 (a):
It’s a legitimate entitlement. Cost of production is almost prohibitive for small planters as they have no economies of scale.
I will refer to clause 4 in relation to Minister and Game handling facility . The Minister has to apprise the House if access to Eco deer park near the Holy shrine of Grand Bassin is closed.

You may recall the then Minister of Argo- industry and AG was on site of Eco deer park during Covid for a forbidden raving party . Carcasses of venison were carted away in a four by four vehicle . Promises of renewal of lease of Chasse’ were allegedly made against payment. I have been informed the Chassée remains unoccupied and deer in the feedlot / chassé have died of malnutrition. It is a worse form of cruelty to animals.
I hope the incumbent Minister will apprise the House where matters stand. Has the case been set aside or referred to the ODPP?

(ii) in subsection (3), in paragraph (b), by deleting the words “on the commencement of this Act and replacing them by the words “on or after the commencement of this Act”-
This amendment should not fool any one . The writing is on the wall . It smacks of political vendetta. The targets can identify themselves. It is odd the amendments are being brought shortly after the main Bill was introduced. Why ! I challenge the Minister to disclose who are targets ! To add insult to injury the amendment is coming when there is
I feel sorry there is no provision in the bill to correct an injustice vis-à-vis students who graduated in Architecture from internationally renowned universities of Egypt . It is similarly for VETS graduates from Known EU vet colleges. The respective amendments could have been introduced. This discriminatory practice has to addressed.
These are the points raised. I don’t see any devil in the details. They are looking at me kids.

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