À la reprise de l’enquête judiciaire ce matin devant le tribunal de Moka, Me Rama Valayden a fait trois motions sur des menaces obtenues. Il demande notamment d’assigner comme témoins Vinay Appanah et le Premier ministre, Pravind Jugnauth, ce dernier pour des propos rapportés dans l’édition de vendredi dernier du Mauricien et tenus lors d’une réunion du comité régional de Quartier-Militaire/Moka (No 8). Voici les motions en verbatim.
« 1. Yesterday from Radio of Mauritians a post 23h a breaking news : le corps de Rama Valayden retrouvé dans un champ de cannes à l’instant. Majorité population read its a fake news. »
« Yesterday potential witnesses or informers, whistle-blowers that the counsels for the family contacted has started to receive letters. »
« Following point de presse for interest of justice, multi layer cover up. In view of threats and the fact that inquiring into death and the other bodies might be linked with this case and threats against all actively involved. Praying for a round the clock protection. Any death happening to any legal counsel might threaten unity of this country. »
« 2. Following communiqué de presse of Vinay Appanah whose name pop up as one person dealing with deceased, where he denied being involved. Saying he does not know Ravi and went far stating no Ravi in his entourage. This communiqué sending subliminal message don’t mess with me I will attack. »
« Attack might be perceived as being physical. »
« No statement taken from him as from now, CID and MCIT. »
« Ask to add Vinay Appanah in list of witness and ask him to bring video recording of 2 guests houses for 16 October. One year the footage can be kept. »
« 3. Advanced notice. All counsels have taken notice of an article published on page 1 daily Le Mauricien Friday 11 December 2020. Title is “Le Premier ministre : monn fer mo lanket e mo fer confians Yogida”. Mention made of MSM agent Soopramanien Kistnen and where PM allegedly states he did his own enquiry. Allow due time office PM to come forward and say if what published in Le Mauricien is not true. »
« Prime Minister to be summoned as witness to show when he conducted enquiry, the persons he interviewed, who was present during the interview or recording of any statement. Wether he had access to CCTV footage, report of police or NSS on ingoing and outgoing SMS calls of minister Yogida. »