Endettement : confirmation des Rs 10 Mds par mois

Le ministère des Finances a apporté des “clarifications” sur l’endettement national. Le communiqué émis offi- ciellement a repris les chiffres fournis à l’Assembléennationale par le Premier ministre et ministre des Finances, Pravind Jugnauth, au sujet d’une moyenne de Rs 10 milliards d’emprunts contractés chaque mois depuis janvier 2015.

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« Total public sector borrowings during the period January 2015 to end March 2018 amounted to Rs 377.4 billion. This comprised borrowings of Rs 369.8 billion from local sources and Rs 7.6 billion from foreign sources. The total amount borrowed was used to repay domestic public sector debt amounting to Rs 307.5 billion, out of which Rs 104 billion was in respect of loans contracted by the preceding government, before January 2015 », avance le ministre des Finances, qui ajoute que « furthermore, an amount of Rs 17.5 billion was utilized for payment of foreign public sector debt, all of which were in respect loans contracted before January 2015 ».

Mention est également faite que « thus for the period Ja- nuary 2015 to March 2018, the public sector repaid an amount of Rs 9.7 billion more of foreign debt than it borrowed during the same period ». Le ministère des Finances fait également comprendre que « in February 2017, the government prepaid the equivalent of Rs 4.2 billion in respect of a loan contracted in 2009 by the preceding government from the African Deve- lopment Bank ».

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